
  • Final Marks & Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang 6 months ago.

    Hi everyone,

    The final marks have been released today. Please note that we do not provide detailed comments on exam marks. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your final marks, feel free to reach out to both Junhua AND me via email.

    For those who will be taking the supplementary exam: if you have been granted special consideration, we will contact you via email with further details.

    We hope you had a great experience in COMP9311 this term!

    Best regards,


  • Important Notice on Late Exam Submissions

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang 7 months ago, last modified 7 months ago.

    Dear Students,

    We have received several requests for special consideration regarding late submissions of the final exam. As emphasised multiple times:

    • The exam time includes an extra 15 minutes for downloading and uploading, so you should have started submitting your answers at least 10 minutes before the deadline.
    • No special consideration will be given for late submissions, to ensure fairness across all students and in accordance with UNSW’s policy. However, we may reduce the late penalty (but this is not guaranteed).

    Additional Notes:

    • If you have sent us your solution by email, we will mark it based on the time the email was sent.
    • For any other requests, please ensure you cc the course admin, Junhua ( ), in your email.
    • If you did not notice the update to the exam questions and attempted the original questions, no marks will be deducted.
    • No answers will be released for the final exam. However, the forum has been reopened, so you are welcome to discuss the answers with other students.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,


  • Final Exam Submission Deadline Approaching

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang 7 months ago.

    Dear Students,

    The submission deadline for the final exam is approaching. Please ensure that you submit your solution on time.

    Best regards,

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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