
  • Final Marks & Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Thursday 29 August 2024, 12:02:54 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    The final marks have been released today. Please note that we do not provide detailed comments on exam marks. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your final marks, feel free to reach out to both Junhua AND me via email.

    For those who will be taking the supplementary exam: if you have been granted special consideration, we will contact you via email with further details.

    We hope you had a great experience in COMP9311 this term!

    Best regards,


  • Important Notice on Late Exam Submissions

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Thursday 15 August 2024, 06:11:11 PM, last modified Thursday 15 August 2024, 06:21:45 PM.

    Dear Students,

    We have received several requests for special consideration regarding late submissions of the final exam. As emphasised multiple times:

    • The exam time includes an extra 15 minutes for downloading and uploading, so you should have started submitting your answers at least 10 minutes before the deadline.
    • No special consideration will be given for late submissions, to ensure fairness across all students and in accordance with UNSW’s policy. However, we may reduce the late penalty (but this is not guaranteed).

    Additional Notes:

    • If you have sent us your solution by email, we will mark it based on the time the email was sent.
    • For any other requests, please ensure you cc the course admin, Junhua ( ), in your email.
    • If you did not notice the update to the exam questions and attempted the original questions, no marks will be deducted.
    • No answers will be released for the final exam. However, the forum has been reopened, so you are welcome to discuss the answers with other students.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,


  • Final Exam Submission Deadline Approaching

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Thursday 15 August 2024, 05:08:37 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The submission deadline for the final exam is approaching. Please ensure that you submit your solution on time.

    Best regards,

  • Exam Paper Released

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Thursday 15 August 2024, 02:02:50 PM, last modified Thursday 15 August 2024, 02:38:58 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The exam paper has been released. If you are facing issues accessing WebCMS, you can also download the paper from Moodle.


    • Typo fixed in Q1: "Each equipment is uniquely identified by its ID"
    • Typo fixed in Q3: "A, B, C, D, E, G, H, and I are attributes"


  • Final Exam in the Afternoon

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Thursday 15 August 2024, 11:23:20 AM, last modified Thursday 15 August 2024, 01:54:19 PM.

    Dear Students,

    This is a reminder that the final exam is scheduled for today from 1:55 PM to 5:25 PM , including 15 minutes for downloading and uploading your submission. The exam paper will be released on both WebCMS and Moodle at 1:55 PM. You will receive a WebCMS notice, which will also be emailed to all students, once the paper is available. Please remember that your exam must be submitted on Moodle .

    Here are some important guidelines for the exam:

    • The forum will be disabled during the exam. If you have any concerns or questions about the exam questions, please email me ( ) AND cc the course admin, Junhua ( ).
    • If any updates or clarifications are necessary, we will communicate them through WebCMS notices and the Exam tab on WebCMS.

    Please allocate 10 minutes at the end of the exam for submission. Submissions received after 5:25 PM will incur a significant late penalty of 5 marks per minute (unless you have adjustments based on an Equitable Learning Plan).

    I strongly encourage you to review the university's exam rules by spending about 10 minutes reading through this link: .

    Please ensure that you are well-prepared for the exam. Unfortunately, we will NOT be able to provide support for personal configuration or network-related issues during the exam. It might be a good idea to have your phone's hotspot ready in case of any unexpected network outages.

    Lastly, I want to emphasize that the exam must be completed individually. Engaging in group work or using generative AI tools may lead to academic misconduct. For more information, please review the details at this link: .

    Wishing you all the best in your exams.

    Warm regards,


  • Assignment 2 Marks and Sample Solutions Released

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Saturday 10 August 2024, 12:47:49 AM.

    Dear Students,

    The marks and sample solutions for Assignment 2 have been released. If you have any concerns regarding your marks, please contact your marking tutor before the final exam.



  • Final Exam Update

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Friday 09 August 2024, 01:17:08 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The MyExperience survey has now closed, and the final response rate is 83%. Thank you to everyone who participated. As promised, we will update the final exam time to 1:55 PM - 5:25 PM , 15th Aug .

    Additionally, you may have noticed that additional practice questions have been released on the course website. We encourage you to attempt these questions before the exam to test your understanding of the course material. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on the forum or during a consultation.


  • Final Reminder: MyExperience Survey Closes Tonight

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Thursday 08 August 2024, 02:21:49 PM, last modified Thursday 08 August 2024, 02:22:38 PM.

    Dear Students,

    This is a final reminder that the MyExperience Survey closes tonight. Currently, the response rate is 77%, and we only need 16 more students to participate to reach 80%.

    Please take a moment to fill in the survey at . Thank you!

    Best regards,


  • MyExperience Survey Ends on August 8th

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Monday 05 August 2024, 10:43:18 PM.

    Dear Students,

    This is a reminder to fill in the MyExperience survey, which is closing soon on August 8th. Currently, the response rate is 65%, and we need more participation to reach our next target of 80%. We will update the real-time response rate on the Ed forum.

    Your feedback is incredibly valuable to the teaching team, and we appreciate your time in completing the survey. Please also prompt your classmates to participate.

    Thank you for your contribution!



  • Change of Final Exam Time

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Thursday 01 August 2024, 11:48:43 AM, last modified Monday 05 August 2024, 02:34:06 AM.

    Dear Students,

    Due to a conflict with COMP9044, we will move the final exam time to 1:55 PM - 5:10 PM on August 15th.



  • Guest Lecture Slides and Revision Lecture

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Tuesday 30 July 2024, 03:27:02 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Here are a few important updates.

    Guest Lecture Slides:

    The slides from the guest lecture have been uploaded to the course webpage.

    Revision Lecture:

    There will be a revision lecture tomorrow where I will discuss important information about the final exam. Please make sure to attend.

    MyExperience Survey:

    The MyExperience Survey is open until August 8th, but the current response rate is very low (only 15%). To give you a better incentive, we will add bonus time to the final exam as follows: 10 minutes if the response rate > 50%, 15 minutes if the response rate > 80%, and 20 minutes if the response rate > 90%. Your feedback is valuable, so please take a few minutes to complete the survey.



  • Guest Lecture by Google on Next Tuesday

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Sunday 28 July 2024, 03:54:03 PM.

    Dear Students,

    As announced, we will have a guest lecturer next Tuesday . Ganesh Raja from Google will deliver the lecture.

    Short Bio of the Speaker : Ganesh is a Principal Architect at Google, where he helps customers build modern data architectures on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). He has 25 years of experience empowering businesses to leverage the full potential of their data. He specializes in architecting solutions that seamlessly migrate data to the cloud and transform it into actionable insights. With a deep understanding of both SQL and NoSQL databases, Ganesh is adept at tailoring solutions to meet diverse customer needs, from optimising data pipelines to enabling advanced AI/ML use cases. His expertise has been instrumental in helping organisations unlock new growth opportunities and achieve data-driven success.

    Free pizza and drinks will be provided , so we encourage everyone to come in person, whether you are enrolled online or in person, to have the opportunity to talk to our guest speaker (and to have free food).

    Assignment 2 Deadline Reminder : A reminder that Assignment 2 is due today at 10 PM. Please ensure you submit on time.



  • MyExperience Survey

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Friday 26 July 2024, 04:28:34 AM.

    Dear Students,

    As we approach the end of the term, we hope you have enjoyed the course. As mentioned in previous lectures, the MyExperience survey is now available for you to complete. Please take a few minutes to log into and fill in the survey.

    We greatly value your feedback and any comments you may have regarding the course. Your input is important to us as educators, helping us to reflect, learn, and improve our teaching.

    Thank you for your time and feedback.

  • Project 1 Marks & Assignment 2 Deadline

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Wednesday 24 July 2024, 05:23:33 PM, last modified Wednesday 24 July 2024, 05:31:34 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Project 1 Marks and Sample Solution Released:
    The marks and sample solution for Project 1 have been released. You can check your mark on Moodle. If you have any issues concerning your mark, please contact your marking tutor through the email provided in the feedback comments. If you submitted your assignment but did not receive a mark, please email us as soon as possible.

    Assignment 2 Deadline Approaching:
    The deadline for Assignment 2 is quickly approaching. Please ensure you submit your work by 10 PM on the 28th of July.

    MyExperience Survey:
    The MyExperience survey has been released. Please take a moment to fill out the survey at your convenience.

  • Assignment 1 Marks and Assignment 2 Released

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Monday 08 July 2024, 06:08:06 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Assignment 1 Marks:
    Marks and the sample solution for Assignment 1 have been released. You can check your mark on Moodle. For any issues concerning your mark, please contact your marking tutor through the email provided in the feedback comments. If you have submitted your assignment but did not receive a mark, please email us as soon as possible.

    Assignment 2 Released:
    Assignment 2 has been released and is now accessible under the Assessments section. The deadline for the assessment is the 28th of July. The scope of the assessment focuses on the following learning outcomes: Functional Dependency, Normal Forms, Database Storage, and Transaction Management.

    Late Submission of Project 1:
    A reminder that Project 1 was due yesterday. Penalties apply for late submissions, so if you haven't submitted, please do so as soon as possible. For any emergencies affecting the completion of the project, you should apply for special consideration via the myUNSW portal.

  • Assignment 1 Due Tonight at 10:00 PM

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Sunday 16 June 2024, 06:10:09 AM.

    Dear Students,

    This is a friendly reminder that Assignment 1 is due tonight at 10:00 PM. Please ensure that you submit your assignment on Moodle before the deadline.

    Late submissions will incur a penalty of a 5% reduction in your grade per day, for a maximum of 5 days. Submissions more than 5 days late will not be accepted (unless Special Consideration has been approved by UNSW).

    To avoid any issues, please double-check your submission to ensure it is complete and properly uploaded.

  • Labs Start this Week

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Monday 03 June 2024, 05:36:16 PM, last modified Monday 03 June 2024, 05:39:33 PM.

    Dear Students,

    This is a reminder that the labs for COMP9311 start this week. Please review your timetable and ensure you are prepared to attend.

    For the very first lab session, we will be guiding you through the essential steps for setting up your database server. As you will be using the database server throughout the term and in the project, it is imperative to ensure you set it up correctly in the first lab. Kindly remember to bring your own laptop to the lab sessions.

    Additionally, we would like to remind you again that Assignment 1 has been released since last week. The deadline for submission is Sunday, June 16th, at 10 PM.

  • Welcome to COMP9311 24T2

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang Thursday 23 May 2024, 07:29:27 AM, last modified Thursday 23 May 2024, 07:30:15 AM.

    Dear Students,

    Welcome to the course COMP9311. This week is O-Week, and I hope you are looking forward to learning about database systems. In this opening notice, I outline how the course is run in 2024 T2 and provide some important information that you may find helpful.

    In this term, we will run multi-modal courses. Specifically, lectures will be delivered in hybrid mode with live streams and recordings available. Lab sessions will be face-to-face in classrooms on your own laptops. We will also run an online forum and offer both online and face-to-face help sessions (i.e., consultations) where you can get assistance from our tutors and staff.

    Course Webpages. The main course materials reside on WebCMS3 ( ). All announcements, lecture notes, lab notes, assignment specifications, etc., will be posted here. If you're reading this notice, congratulations, you've found us.

    Moodle ( ) provides access to online lectures, recordings, consultations, and assessment submissions.

    Lectures start in Week 1. The face-to-face lectures are scheduled for:

    - 11:00 - 13:00 on Tuesday at New South Global Theatre (K-G14-127)

    - 15:00 - 17:00 on Wednesday at New South Global Theatre (K-G14-127)

    The online lectures are scheduled at the same time as the face-to-face lectures. The links to them will be posted on WebCMS3 before each week, or you can also find them on Moodle.

    All lectures will be recorded and can be found on Moodle after the first lecture. All lectures will be both live streamed via Blackboard Collaborate and recorded via Echo360 on Moodle. There are two ways to access the lecture:

    1) We will provide a link to access the lecture (live and recording) in the Lectures tab, next to each week's lecture notes.

    2) You may log into Moodle ( ) first, find our course, and click "Blackboard Collaborate" to join a live lecture. You may click "Lecture Recordings" to access the recorded lectures.

    Labs start in Week 2. Due to the limited space in school labs, this term we run bring-your-own-device (BYOD) labs face-to-face in classrooms So you need to bring your own laptop and make sure it is fully charged. CSE has a laptop-lending machine, so if you forget your laptop or it is not working properly, you can borrow a laptop for the class: . During the lab, a tutor will be present to assist you and answer your questions.

    Consultations start in Week 1. We run both face-to-face and online consultations this term. Face-to-face consultations will be held each Friday from 2PM to 4PM in Room203 in Building K17. Online consultations will be held on Friday from 6PM to 8PM. You can find the link to online consultations via Blackboard Collaborate on Moodle or on WebCMS3 (under the "Consultation" tab). You may join the consultation if you have any questions regarding the course. Consultations will not be recorded.

    Ed Forums. You can use the Ed forums (linked on the WebCMS menu ) to ask questions and engage with other students. Tutors will visit the forum regularly to answer questions. Please join the forum using the registration link on the WebCMS page and let us know if you encounter any difficulty accessing it.

    Best of luck, and I look forward to meeting you all soon :-)

    Zhengyi Yang


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