
  • Last notice from COMP9312

    Posted by Dong Wen 2 years ago.

    Dear all,

    You should have received your final marks this morning. Hope all you have reasonably good marks. This should be the last notice from COMP9312. We will archive the forum later. Thanks for our efforts in this term especially for the students who actively share your valuable ideas with others on the forum.

    For students who have granted supp exams, you will receive my email at least one day before the supp exam date.

    All the best,


  • Final Exam Paper

    Posted by Dong Wen 2 years ago.

    Please find the following final exam paper.

    Submit your answer pdf on Moodle by 5pm.

    Ask for clarifying any questions on the EdForum.

  • About 9312 Final Exam

    Posted by Dong Wen 2 years ago.

    The exam will be arranged in 2-5pm Tuesday 22 Aug 2023 . The exam paper will be released in 13:40--13:50 via webcms notice, and you will receive the email as usual. The structure will be the same as the sample exam paper with 8 questions. You are required to write your answers in a pdf file and submit it via Moodle. To ask questions in exam, please create a private post on the EdForum. The webcms may be blocked because a large number of access at the same time. I recommend you to download all materials and keep them offline before the exam. We will send any update notice via the EdForum if webcms notice (broadcast email) does not work. So please keep watching both the email inbox and the EdForum during the exam.

    Marking and Difficulty. The exam difficulty will be revealed by the average marks. If the average marks are lower than 65/100, we will scale it up to at least 65 and also add the 1 point bonus. We never scale down marks. We would not provide marking details or comments for the final exam. You will directly receive your final marks from the exam unit on around 31 Aug 2023.

    Advice for the exam:

    • Several questions are not designed for students to get full marks easily but it is not difficult to get high marks. So try to provide some ideas even you cannot provide an optimal solution.
    • Files submitted after 5pm Tuesday 22 Aug will be ignored (unless you have Equitable Learning Plan). Note that the load of Moodle may be very heavy in the last few minutes. So do not leave the submission to the last minute.
    • We do not accept any late submission for reasons like " I submit a wrong file ". Please double check your submission file.
    • Please make sure your devices (machines, phones, etc...) are fully charged. Power outage or network outage should not be a big issue. If there is any accident, you should contact me ( ASAP. A supporting proof document is required by the department for the special consideration. Note that if you submit your exam paper, no special consideration would be considered.
    • We will run plagiarism-checking on your submissions. Several suspect cases have been observed in the project. Please do not break the rule.

    Good luck~

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