
  • Last Notice

    Posted by Dong Wen 6 months ago.

    Hi all,

    This should be the last notice from COMP9312_24T2. We hope you had a great experience in COMP9312 this term and all the best.

    For those who have been granted special consideration to take the supplementary exam. You should have received an email for the supp exam details. Please reply the email for confirmation.

    Best regards,


  • Ass2 Result Released

    Posted by Dong Wen 7 months ago.

    We have released Ass2 marks on Moodle (the average mark is about 16--17). If you find any incorrect marks, please send an email to the your marking tutor before 11:59pm Wednesday 21th Aug . Any new marking issue request after that time would not be processed. Similar as previous assignments, the ass2 is marked by several tutors. To avoid unnecessary workload, please do not send messages everywhere. For marking issue, you can just contact who will contact the corresponding marking tutor offline for each individual case. You can also cc me for any serious issues.

  • Final Exam Paper

    Posted by Dong Wen 7 months ago.

    Please find the following final exam paper.

    Submit your answer pdf on Moodle by 1pm.

    Ask for clarifying any questions on the EdForum.

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There is nothing due!


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