
  • Template / Example questions

    Posted by Carlos Rodriguez 6 years ago.

    Dear all,

    I created a template with example questions to give you with an idea of the style of the exam. As discussed in our last lecture, you will get three types of questions: Multiple choice questions, short answer questions and written answer questions. You can find the resource in the link below:

    All the best!

  • Assignment 2 mark/feedback

    Posted by Maisie Badami 6 years ago.

    Assignment 2 mark/feedback has been sent via email to your UNSW email account, you can also check your marks on WebCMS.

  • MyExperience Course Evaluation

    Posted by Carlos Rodriguez 6 years ago, last modified 6 years ago.

    Dear students,

    Please, take some minutes to fill out the MyExperience course evaluation for COMP9313. Your feedbacks are useful to help us improve this course. You can find the evaluation form in link below:

    Many thanks.

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