
  • Assignment 2 Marking details and inquires

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna 5 years ago.

    Dear All,

    I will be releasing the detailed marking for assignment 2 tonight (after midnight) when there is less load on the mail server. in the detailed description you will be able to see the mark for each item in the marking scheme and who is the marker so that you can send any inquiry if needed.

    I have released the total marks and feedback only since I didn't want to wait till midnight when some students might be sleeping and would appreciate the marking before the exam.

    rest assured that all issues will be resolved and sorry if I have caused any inconvenience for some students.

    best of luck...

  • Marks for Assignment2

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna 5 years ago.

    Dear All,

    sorry for the delay...your Mark for assignment 2 is now available for viewing using 'Classrun' ( ). you'll find some comments as well under (assign2_feedback). the detailed marking will be released soon via e-mail.



  • Code development questions in the final exam

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna 5 years ago.

    Dear All,

    As I mentioned in the final lecture, in the final exam we won't ask you to develop a complete program. there might be some questions including/about snippets of code or pseudo code. You don't need to memorize code syntax. As long as you have done your assignments and the hands-on activities you will be more than qualified to answer these kind of questions.

    best of luck to all...


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