
  • Supp exam time

    Posted by Xin Cao 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    The supp exam will be run from 2pm to 6pm on 13/01/2022. To those who will sit the supp exam, please get well prepared for the exam.

    Since it is the first time of delivering this course within 10 weeks, I agree that there is a lot of space to improve. For example, the course covers many topics but we did not go deep enough into each. The timeline of the projects is not reasonable, since the deadline of the last project is just one day before the final exam (this never happened in previous years). The tutors should demonstrate the coding practices at the beginning of each lab under the online learning environment.

    It is great to receive emails from some of you which told me that the course is helpful and interesting. I have spent great effort on teaching in this term. I tried my best to provide instant feedback in the forum and to reply emails regarding both the lectures and the projects. I even sacrificed my own research time to do the teaching tasks.

    Therefore, it is very frustrating for me to see that my teaching evaluation score is lower than the school average. For those who feel unsatisfied with the teaching, in future terms, I hope that you can reflect your concerns and provide feedback during the term, rather than waiting until the end of the term. That would be more helpful to both the teaching team and you.

    In addition, some humiliating comments like "I feel like that I am a examiner of IELTS speaking and the lecturer is a nervous examinee" is really mean and rude. Please note that you also have a grammar error in this sentence. I do not think such comments could have any benefit to this course. Anyway, as a non-native English speaker, I will keep improving my English.

    Finally, wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



  • Apologies for the inconsistent marks of undergraduate students

    Posted by Xin Cao 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Dear Undergraduate Students,

    You may have already received your final mark via email.

    However, due to one mistake we made when synchronizing the marks from Moodle to Astra, the mark you have seen in the email is not consistent with that in Moodle.

    We will send an email to all of you who are effected by this mistake (if your received mark is lower than Moodle, you will not receive this notification, since the problem has already been fixed in the system and you will see the new mark soon). Please note that your mark as shown in Moodle is the correct one.

    We apologies for the mistake and for any inconvenience caused.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Kind regards,


  • The final notice

    Posted by Xin Cao 3 years ago.

    Dear All,

    The marks for Project 3 and the assignment have been released. Please check your mark and contact the tutors before this Sunday if you have any doubt. We need to finalize the marks by this weekend.

    I assumed that most of you can obtain the correct results, and thus the marks on correctness is higher than the marks on efficiency. As a result, it turns out a bit unfair for those who had spent great effort on the optimisations but made some minor mistakes in the results. We have tried our best to guarantee fairness, but we may still made some mistakes. Please understand the tutors' hard work considering the large amount of submissions and the complexity of this project.

    Most of you did not implement this optimisation: avoid generating duplicated pairs, and compute the similarity on only one common element for each pair. The idea is that: for a pair of records sharing several elements, you only do the computation on the most infrequent element. Thus, on all the other elements, you can safely discard this pair and do not compute their similarity again. This can greatly improve the efficiency.

    Finally, remember to delete everything (the files and the clusters) in Dataproc!!! Check your bill and remove your payment method.

    I hope that you've enjoyed the course in this term, and I also hope that what you've learned in this course could be helpful to your future career. All the best to you. Keep safe!



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