
  • Welcome to COMP9313 24T3

    Posted by Xin Cao 6 months ago.

    Hi Class,

    Welcome to the course COMP9313! Our first lecture is on Monday in Week 1. I look forward to seeing you all.

    Course Webpages We manage the course with WebCMS3, Ed, and Moodle. All the teaching materials will be shared in WebCMS3. Since we will use the Ed platform to practice labs (you also have the option to install VM and run labs), lab notes and project specs will be released on the Ed forum. Moodle is used to provide access to online live lectures and lecture recordings.

    Lecture The course will be delivered both online and offline in T3. The online streams are via Blackboard Collaborate. You can find the link in Moodle.

    Lecture Recording All lectures will be recorded and uploaded onto Echo360 and Collaborate, which can be found through the links (Lecture Recordings) in Moodle.

    Discussion Forum We will use Ed for the course forum/discussion board. You have to register yourself first. The forum link and instructions are linked on the WebCMS3 menu .

    Lab Note that, labs start from Week 1. As mentioned, we will use Ed for lab practices. Please register yourself using the link .

    Consultation Weekly consultation will be presented online via Blackboard Collaborate from Week 1. You may join the consultation if you have any questions regarding the course.



Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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