
  • Final Results

    Posted by John Shepherd 3 years ago.

    I've looked at all the assignments for which people requested a review of auto-marking, and even some that didn't request it. The final assignment marks should be visible in the sturec page. This has meant that I could clear out all of the LEs. The marks have been entered into Astra and final results ought to be visible in your transcript early this week.

    No further correspondence will be entered into.

  • Marking

    Posted by John Shepherd 3 years ago.

    I've marked the Supp Exams (Tue 31 May). I'll review the assignment marks on Wed 1 June and Thu 2 June. Once that's done, I'll enter them into Astra. After that, it takes a day or so before they arrive in your transcript.

  • Status field in sturec

    Posted by John Shepherd 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    The status field is now active on the sturec page.

    1 = assignment 1 mark being reviewed
    2 = assignment 2 mark being reviewed
    S = supplementary exam
    X = plagiarism investigation

    Anyone with one of the above should get an LE grade when results are released.

    Anyone with ok should get a final mark/grade when results are released.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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