
  • Final Results

    Posted by John Shepherd Sunday 05 June 2022, 09:26:30 PM.

    I've looked at all the assignments for which people requested a review of auto-marking, and even some that didn't request it. The final assignment marks should be visible in the sturec page. This has meant that I could clear out all of the LEs. The marks have been entered into Astra and final results ought to be visible in your transcript early this week.

    No further correspondence will be entered into.

  • Marking

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 31 May 2022, 10:26:33 PM.

    I've marked the Supp Exams (Tue 31 May). I'll review the assignment marks on Wed 1 June and Thu 2 June. Once that's done, I'll enter them into Astra. After that, it takes a day or so before they arrive in your transcript.

  • Status field in sturec

    Posted by John Shepherd Wednesday 18 May 2022, 10:35:47 PM, last modified Wednesday 18 May 2022, 10:36:18 PM.

    The status field is now active on the sturec page.

    1 = assignment 1 mark being reviewed
    2 = assignment 2 mark being reviewed
    S = supplementary exam
    X = plagiarism investigation

    Anyone with one of the above should get an LE grade when results are released.

    Anyone with ok should get a final mark/grade when results are released.

  • Final Marks

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 16 May 2022, 06:04:41 PM, last modified Wednesday 18 May 2022, 06:22:25 AM.

    Marks are released by the University later in the week.

    All of the people who asked for a review of their assignment marks will receive a WD LE grade while we sort them out. You should have a real mark+grade by the start of next week.

    People who (apparently) plagiarised work in the exam or assignments will also receive a WD LE grade.

    How can you tell the difference between mark review and plagiarism? I will be adding a status field to sturec (it is not yet added ) that will contain comma-separated 1 or 2 or X (1 for Ass1 review, 2 for Ass2 review, X for suspected plagiarism.

    If you asked for a mark review, but don't have a 1 or 2 in the status field, let me know.

    If the status field does not (yet) appear in sturec, don't ask about it.

  • Supp Exams

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 16 May 2022, 05:35:36 PM.

    It seems that the Special Consideration people have been flooded with applications, and so are not reponding quickly to requests just at the moment.

    If you didn't sit the exam and you put in for Special Consideration, they will eventually get around to telling you that you have a Supp.

    Supp exams will be held in the week of May 23 - 27. I will contact people individually about the exact time. once it's been worked out.

    Note: Supp Exams are not available to people who sat the exam on May 12, except under a couple of exceptional circumstances.

  • Submission Slowdown

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 12 May 2022, 05:15:12 PM.

    I told you what would happen if you left submissions to the last minute.

    It happened.

    I will be slightly lenient on submission that are late by a few minutes, but otherwise ...

  • Bug in Data? files

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 12 May 2022, 02:46:26 PM, last modified Thursday 12 May 2022, 03:20:32 PM.

    It looks like some of the Data? files don't quite meet the specification of "no-frills" files. This only affects Q3.

    Changing the data files now would be extremely difficult, since everyone has already downloaded them.

    My suggestion: when checking whether there is room to fit a tuple at the end of the page, require one more byte than is actually necessary according to the spec. Then you should match Data? and pass all the tests.

  • Q3 example command

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 12 May 2022, 02:17:40 PM.

    The example command for q3 was wrong

    ./q3 myData < data/insert200

    It should be

    ./q3 myData data/input200

    I've fixed it in the online version. If you downloaded the paper and have it locally, just note this. All of the *.sh files in the tests directory were correct.

  • Duplicate Q2 submission links

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 12 May 2022, 01:04:50 PM.

    Some people reported that there were two Q2 submission links. Now there's only one.

  • Exam TODAY

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 12 May 2022, 10:23:23 AM.

    Around 1pm (Sydney time), the Final Exam page will be opened under the "Exams" sidebar link. Click on the " Instructions " link, and read the instructions..

    Then set up your work directory and open the exam paper (links are in "Instructions").

    If you have questions, send email to (likely to reach me quicker than, but you can use the CSE address if you want).

    I will either reply directly to you via email if the query is specific to you. If it's an issue that I think everyone needs to know about, I'll post a notice on Webcms3 and email it to the class. To avoid too many questions that ask "Does X mean X?", don't email me, but rather write down any reasonable assumptions you're making and answer the question based on those assumptions.

    Submit your answers as you complete the questions . DO NOT leave submission until the last minute. If everyone does that, Give will start to run extremely slowly and your submission may not reach us until after the deadline (which is 5pm Sydney time).

    Good luck.

    P.S. Please fill out the "exit poll" about how long it took you to complete the exam.

  • Assignment Reviews and Final Marks

    Posted by John Shepherd Wednesday 11 May 2022, 08:22:13 PM.

    I won't have time until next week to go through all of the requests to have assignment marks reviewed. This means your final mark won't be ready before the submission date for marks. Anyone whose assignment is being reviewed will initially receive a WD or LE grade. This will eventually turn into a final mark and grade once the review is complete. I will also email everyone with reasons why their mark did or didn't change.

    Hopefully, I can get the 350 exams marked in three days to get all of the non-reviewed results finalised.

  • Exam

    Posted by John Shepherd Wednesday 11 May 2022, 08:15:53 PM.

    For the exam tomorrow, you start by going to the Exams link in the sidebar. By 1pm tomorrow, there will be a Final Exam heading with a link to Instructions and 8 submission links. Go to the Instructions page and *read* the instructions This page contains links to the exam paper and the work files.

    Good Luck.

  • Ass2 Auto-marking

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 10 May 2022, 01:04:07 PM.

    My inbox is now flooded with queries about Ass2. It will take time to work my way through them, and it won't happen before the exam.

    There seems to be some confusion in the wording on the auto-marking output, in particular

    It seems that you did not implementing search via hashing.

    When you answer queries, if you are doing it properly, you would only examine 2^u pages, where "u" is the number of unknown bits.

    To check this, we added a couple of lines of code into page.c and select.c to count the number of times that you called getPage(). The least number of pages would be 2^u, but since you also have to examine overflow pages associated with these pages, we made an allowance for 2 overflow pages for each data page. If you read more pages than this, then we assumed that you were not limiting yourself to just the pages specified by the unknown bits.

    Please look at the testing output, not just the summary at the bottom to check how many pages we think you read in answering the last four queries.

  • Ass2 Preliminary Marks

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 10 May 2022, 11:31:05 AM.

    We've run the auto-marking on Assignment 2 and you should be able to look at your results via the "Collect Submission" tab on the "Assignment 2 - Submission" page.

    Since nearly 100 people got full marks or near full marks, I'm moderately happy with the testing.

    Treat the current mark as a lower bound on the mark you're likely to get for the assignment, once we've waded through the inevitable complaints about how unjustly you've been treated in the auto-marking.

    If you want to check some of the query tests yourself, the data files and expected query outputs are in the directory

    ~ cs9315/web/22T1/assignments/ass2/test-files/

    Hopefully, this gives you enough information to target your study for the exam, not that I ever thought you should go into an exam thinking "I only need to meet the hurdle to pass the course". You should always be aiming for 100%, regardless of your assignment and quiz marks.

  • Submissions: ass2 and exam

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 09 May 2022, 08:37:00 AM.

    There were about 25 people who did not submit their Assignment 2 work as described in the spec.

    I have just wasted spent several hours fixing their submissions. I should penalise them, but won't.

    Warning: In the exam, if you don't submit each question precisely according to the instructions, then your work for that question will not be marked. We have a very tight timeframe for marking and there is no time to go fixing bad submissions.

  • Sample Solutions to Final Exams

    Posted by John Shepherd Saturday 07 May 2022, 12:02:20 PM.

    The solutions for the 20T1 and 21T1 final exams are now available.

    Next task: finish Assignment 2 marking.

  • Busy, busy, busy

    Posted by John Shepherd Wednesday 27 April 2022, 05:14:49 PM, last modified Thursday 05 May 2022, 09:55:53 PM.

    In case you hadn't noticed, I've been missing on the forum for a few days. I'm working on a major project for the Faculty (so that your degrees can be accredited), have been flat out on this since last week, and will be working on it for the next few days.

    So, I haven't had a chance to follow up on the remaining few assignment 1 marking queries, or help Minyi get started on Assignment 2 marking. The Faculty project should be finished by Sunday, so then I can get back onto COMP9315 stuff again. I want to have all marking sorted by May 5 9 so that you know where you stand going into the exam.

  • Past Exams

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 19 April 2022, 09:29:16 AM, last modified Saturday 07 May 2022, 10:51:16 AM.

    I've put up some past exam papers.

    Note that you can't submit answers for any of these exams,
    even if the instructions make it look like you can.
    The sample solutions will be available in Week 11 . 12.

  • Unavailable

    Posted by John Shepherd Friday 15 April 2022, 09:37:58 PM.

    In case you missed the point in the previous notice *and* missed the Online Session on Thursday, I'm unavailable for the whole of the Easter weekend. You'll need to help each other on the Forum.

  • Assignment 2

    Posted by John Shepherd Friday 15 April 2022, 09:36:35 AM.

    Before I vanish for easter, a couple of things which I'm sure were answered on the forum, but keep coming up ...

    1. Bug in supplied reln.c in the addToRelation function ...
      if (r->depth == 0) p = 1;    
      should be
      if (r->depth == 0) p = 0;    
      Since we won't be auto-testing starting from depth=0, this won't matter. But you might bump into it doing your own testing.
    2. Memory leaks ... you don't need to fix memory leaks in the supplied code; you should try avoid them in your own code, but we won't be checking for them

  • Extension to Assignment 2 Deadline

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 11 April 2022, 10:44:54 PM, last modified Monday 11 April 2022, 10:45:18 PM.

    I guess it was inevitable, but 97% of respondents said that they would like an extension to the Assignment 2 deadline.

    Assignment 2 is now due by Tuesday 19 April at 9pm .

    There have been 57 submissions so far (from 364 possible).

  • Week 09

    Posted by John Shepherd Sunday 10 April 2022, 10:54:26 PM.

    The weekly preview video is now up. Might be especially useful this week because it has a quick demo of the Assignment 2 testing script.

  • Assignment 2 Testing Script

    Posted by John Shepherd Sunday 10 April 2022, 09:58:53 PM.

    I've put a simple testing script in the assignment directory. You can run it as

    sh  /web/cs9315/22T1/assignments/ass2/

    but you will need to do some setting up first.

    You can run in any directory but ...

    • the directory must contain a file called , containing the files you intend to submit
    • the script will create a subdirectory called testing in this directory

    Hopefully it will run on any CSE machine (vxdb, vlab, williams, etc.).

    Note that because of the variations in how people implement splitting, etc. It does not give precise expected outputs for the stats executable. The queries, however, should match their expected outputs exactly.

    The script produces a lot of output. I would suggest redirecting the script's output to a file and then perusing the file in a text editor.

    If you want to see what the data files look like, they live in the directory


    I'd suggest creating a new directory, separate from the directory where you're working on the assignment, put the file in that directory and runs in that directory.

  • Week 08 Online Sessions

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 07 April 2022, 05:20:16 PM.

    Ooops ... I messed up the Online Sessions page for Week 08 ... all it's currently got is a link to Thursday's session ... I'll fix it tonight

  • Final Exam Schedule (ii)

    Posted by John Shepherd Wednesday 06 April 2022, 04:09:07 PM, last modified Wednesday 06 April 2022, 04:09:23 PM.

    Last change ... apparently, I am not allowed to run an exam up to 6pm ... the "official" time period is 1pm-5pm ... so the Final Exam will be on Thursday 12 May from 1pm to 5pm

  • Assignment 1 Marks

    Posted by John Shepherd Wednesday 06 April 2022, 11:39:10 AM.

    The marks for Assignment 1 have now been copied into SMS/sturec. This includes the application of late penalties, but not yet plagiarism penalties.

    Students who scored 0 are being checked, so that mark is not necessarily final. Students who sent email asking for us to check the auto-marking are also being checked; their marks may change.

  • FInal Exam Schdule

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 05 April 2022, 06:11:30 PM.

    Regardless of what the recently posted exam timetable might say, the COMP9315 Final Exam will be held on the afternoon of Thursday 12 May (2pm-6pm). Hopefully this will better suit people in different time zones. The exams people told me that there were no clashes at this timeslot, but at least one person has a clash. Let me know if you have one.

  • Assignment 1 Marking

    Posted by Minyi Zhong Monday 04 April 2022, 03:22:55 PM, last modified Monday 04 April 2022, 04:31:21 PM.

    We are aware of some issues with assignment 1 marking where some tests are not being run after the server unexpectedly quits. This is currently being fixed.

    This has been fixed.

    Also if you have gotten 0 or a very low mark, we will look at your code to see if the mark can be amended. We understand that assignment marks are very important to everyone and we are trying our best to give you all a fair mark. Please be patient. :D

  • Assignment 1 Marking (update)

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 04 April 2022, 02:33:28 PM, last modified Monday 04 April 2022, 05:09:52 PM.

    OK ... so I forgot to copy across the additional auto-testing that Minyi ran over the weekend to fix some of the auto-marking issues. Now the (hopefully) final auto-testing results are available via the Assignment 1 Submission page ... click on the Collect Submission tab. Hopefully some of your concerns have gone away with the new round of auto-testing. If they have, please send cs9315@cse email saying "I have no problem with my Assignment 1 marking any more".

    The current marking output does not include late penalties. They will be added tonight, and then the marks will be accessible via your sturec page.

    If you still want to query Assignment 1 marking, send an email that gives details of why you think you deserve more marks to Don't send it directly to me (jas@cse) or Minyi.

  • Week 08

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 04 April 2022, 08:15:35 AM.

    The weekly preview is available, Quiz 4 opens at 9am Monday (due 9pm Friday), "final" Assignment 1 marks will be released later today. I say "final" because it's still remotely possible that auto-marking messed up in some cases; let us know if you think this is the case. Auto-marking "messed up" does not include you failing the unseen tests.

  • Assignment 2 Testing

    Posted by John Shepherd Friday 25 March 2022, 06:31:35 PM.

    Some suggestions for how you might check the validity of your code for Assignment 2 are now available.

    This time we don't plan to make an auto-marking-like script (e.g. ) available right away. We want you to think about how you can test your code. We may make a run_test -like script available later.

  • Quiz 3

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 24 March 2022, 09:34:57 AM.

    Well ... I'm glad that someone finally pointed out that Quiz 3 still wasn't available.

    Someone told me on Monday and I thought I'd fixed it.

    Given how late it now is in Week 6, we may as well run it next week (Week 7).

  • Assignment 2

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 22 March 2022, 11:19:41 AM.

    The Assignment 2 spec and setup material is now available.

    I'll add Testing Resources for the assignment in the next day or two.

  • Week 6

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 22 March 2022, 07:49:31 AM.

    Reminder: there are no Online Sessions this week. But there is a new Quiz and Assignment 2 willl be released later today. Note that Assignment 2 does not require you to have a PostgreSQL server, nor does it require you to use vxdb. Any machine with a C compiler and make (and gdb) will be fine.


    Posted by John Shepherd Sunday 20 March 2022, 10:38:46 AM.

    Damn! It looks like I have COVID. Not too bad (like a bad cold), but might slow down responses to questions.

  • Using vscode on vxdb

    Posted by John Shepherd Wednesday 16 March 2022, 11:07:14 PM.

    If you insist on using VScode, the message entitled " VScode Follow-up " on the COMP3311 website might be useful.

  • Killing vxdb (ii)

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 15 March 2022, 09:52:25 PM.

    Looks like you've smashed vxdb again.

    Some suggestions:

    • don't run vscode on vxdb
    • only run one postgresql server at a time
    • kill postgresql servers that are not responding (infinite loop?)

    Given this situation, I'll have to move the deadline to 9pm on Monday 21 March.

    Hopefully this will lighten the load in the next few days.

    I have also asked Systems Support if we can add more resources to vxdb.

  • Killing vxdb

    Posted by John Shepherd Saturday 12 March 2022, 05:19:04 PM.

    Congratulations! You have managed to drive vxdb into the ground by overloading it. At one stage, it had a load average of 900!! (which is outrageously large). I notice that some people are running multiple PostgreSQL servers. There are also a very large number of processes associated with vscode. I told you that vscode was a resource hog. Please try to avoid using it as much as possible.

    If you're not sure whether you're running multiple PostgreSQL servers, try the following command on vxdb:

    ps uwx | grep pgsql/bin/postgres | grep -v grep

    If more than one line appears, then you have multiple servers running. The p0 command won't kill them all, so you'll need to kill them manually using the kill command and the second number on each line of the ps command output.

  • After the access is fixed ...

    Posted by John Shepherd Friday 11 March 2022, 04:12:25 PM.

    Even if you can now access the testing stuff, you ought to check your testing directory.

    If any of the symbolic links look like this

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 jas jas    54 Feb 13 11:23 -> /web/cs9315/20T1/assignments/ass1/testing/

    Note the 20T1 .

    Then you've got an old testing script. It will work (more or less), but you should be using the scripts for 22T1.

    How to fix?

    1. remove the symlinks ( and tests)
    2. untar /web/cs9315/22T1/assignments/ass1/testing/testing.tar
    3. continue as before

  • Can't access tests? (iii)

    Posted by Minyi Zhong Thursday 10 March 2022, 10:26:18 PM.

    This should be resolved now. Apologies for the inconveniences caused. Please let us know in the forums if you're still experiencing issues.

  • Can't access tests? (ii)

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 10 March 2022, 07:13:58 PM.

    Here's what I see when I log in to vxdb

    :jas@nw-syd-vxdb: cd /localstorage/jas/testing
    :jas@nw-syd-vxdb: ls -l
    total 76
    -rw-r--r-- 1 jas jas   360 Mar  5 15:26 Makefile
    -rw------- 1 jas jas  3230 Mar 10 18:40 pg.log
    -rw-r--r-- 1 jas jas  9000 Mar 10 11:28 pname.c
    -rw-r--r-- 1 jas jas  5000 Mar 10 11:25 pname.source
    drwxr-xr-x 5 jas jas    72 Mar 10 08:32 results
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 jas jas 16421 Mar 10 09:58
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 jas jas    54 Feb 13 11:23 -> /web/cs9315/20T1/assignments/ass1/testing/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 jas jas 23050 Mar 10 18:40 test.log
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 jas jas    49 Feb 13 11:23 tests -> /web/cs9315/20T1/assignments/ass1/testing/.tests/
    :jas@nw-syd-vxdb: ls tests
    0_sanity-checks  1_users  2_students

    According to the file/directory modes, you should also all be able to see this.

  • Can't access tests?

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 10 March 2022, 07:00:25 PM.

    I can't work out why you can't access the tests. The file permissions all look OK.

    Could somebody run the following commands and send me the results:

    ls -l /web/cs9315/20T1/assignments/ass1/
    ls -l /web/cs9315/20T1/assignments/ass1/testing/
    ls -l /web/cs9315/20T1/assignments/ass1/testing/
    ls -l /web/cs9315/20T1/assignments/ass1/testing/.tests

  • Week 4

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 07 March 2022, 11:21:35 AM.

    The Preview video for week 4 is now available. Quiz 2 is up-and-running (due Friday 9pm). You should all have a working PostgreSQL server by now and be looking at how you might implement the PersonName type for Assignment 1 .

  • Week 3

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 28 February 2022, 06:39:54 AM.

    The preview video and content video for Week 3 are now available under Videos and Slides.

  • vxdb Disk Quotas (iii)

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 24 February 2022, 09:43:14 PM, last modified Thursday 24 February 2022, 10:06:38 PM.

    I think people misunderstood the meaning of the du -sh command. It does not give you your disk quota. It tells you your current disk usage, which might be way less than your quota.

    I have successfully used over 500MB of space on my /localstorage, and I think you can too.

    I've put a few moderate sized databases in a directory under the class account. If you can create all three of the databases, you'll be fine. Even if you can create two of them, that's also fine.

    Try the following commands on vxdb with your PG server running:

    createdb music; psql music -f /web/cs9315/22T1/databases/music.dump
    createdb pizza; psql pizza -f /web/cs9315/22T1/databases/pizza.dump
    createdb weblog; psql weblog -f /web/cs9315/22T1/databases/weblog.dump
    createdb cfps; psql cfps -f /web/cs9315/22T1/databases/cfps.dump<span class="redactor-invisible-space"></span>

    You will most likely be able to create the first two databases without difficulty. You may be able to create the weblog database. Trying to create the cfps database will fail, with a "Disk quota exceeded" error.

    The above depends on how much other stuff your have in your /localstorage directory. If you have other large files there, you may not even be able to make the music database.

    After trying to create cfps , check your disk usage ( du -sh /localstorage/$USER ). You should find that it's over 500MB.

    After doing the above, you may as well drop the databases. Certainly drop the cfps database. It is incomplete.

    There's no point any more sending me output from du -sh /localstorage/$USER. If you want to send anything, send the output from du -sh /localstorage/$USER/*

  • vxdb Disk Quotas (ii)

    Posted by John Shepherd Thursday 24 February 2022, 05:04:46 PM.

    Apparently the disk quota is fixed BUT it will only be apparent if you log out of vxdb and then log back in.

    If you try that and you still think it's not working, let me know.

  • vxdb Disk Quotas

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 22 February 2022, 03:43:34 PM, last modified Thursday 24 February 2022, 05:02:49 PM.

    System Support say they have fixed this. A new larger quota will be applied next time you login to vxdb.

    It is still not fixed. I have asked again for it be fixed. If I had the privilege to do this myself, I would have done it last week.

    Let me know if this is not the case, and accompany your email with the output of

    du -sh /localstorage/$USER

  • Assignment 1 Spec

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 22 February 2022, 08:43:17 AM, last modified Tuesday 22 February 2022, 12:15:20 PM.

    The spec for Assignment 1 is now available. If you read it yesterday, read it again because some things have changed:

    • marks corrected from 10 to 15
    • deadline moved to 9pm on Friday 18 March (we are no longer allowed to set deadlines outside normal UNSW class times (8am-9pm Mon-Fri))
    • late penalty adjusted to meet new UNSW policy of 5% per day (more generous than what I used to do)

    I'll talk about the assignment in the Thursday Online Session after you've had a chance to read it.

    We'll release a testing harness later in the week.

  • vxdb disk quotas

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 21 February 2022, 10:33:21 PM.

    It looks like the disk quotas on vxdb have slipped back from 600MB to 300MB.

    I have no idea how this happened and I have not control ovre disk quotas.

    I've asked system support to investigate. May not be resolved tonight. Annoying.

  • Week 2

    Posted by John Shepherd Sunday 20 February 2022, 11:05:30 AM.

    I've posted the Week 2 Preview.

    Please get your PostgreSQL servers installed asap. You won't be able to do Assignment 1 without a working PostgreSQL server.

    To help people who are having problems and which can't be debugged via email/forum, I'll run a special help session on Monday21 Feb from 1-3pm on Zoom ... if you are having installation problems come to this session and be prepared to share your screen.

  • No "Ready to Install"

    Posted by John Shepherd Wednesday 16 February 2022, 09:31:01 PM, last modified Thursday 17 February 2022, 11:02:01 PM.

    I will not be answering any more queries from students claiming that they have errors because they didn't get the "Ready to install" message. Read this Notice again if you think you have a problem. If you don't get any error messages, you do not have a problem. "Leaving directory" is NOT an error message.

    It seems that the postgresql-14.1 Makefile does not contain the message

    All of PostgreSQL successfully made. Ready to install.

    If your compilation ends with something like

    make[1]: Leaving directory '/localstorage/YOU/postgresql-14.1/config'

    or, at least, produces no ERROR messages, then you should be ok to proceed to

    make install

    I'll fix the P01 prac description to reflect this.

  • /localstorage on vxdb

    Posted by John Shepherd Tuesday 15 February 2022, 09:02:57 PM.

    It looks like the systems support people have fixed the script that creates /localstorage directories.

    Next time you login to nw-syd-vxdb, you should end up with a personal /localstorage/$USER directory and you can then do lab P01 as specified.

  • /localstorage/$USER on vxdb

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 14 February 2022, 11:00:55 PM.

    A couple of issues have arisen as people have tried to do Prac P01

    • the system is not making a /localstorage directory for you when you first login to vxdb
    • if you have files left over from COMP3311 21T3, you hit disk quota problems

    We have informed the systems support people about both issues.

    I believe they have fixed increased the disk quotas for COMP9315 students, but you still won't have enough quota to leave all of your COMP3311 21T3 data lying around in /localstorage/$USER.

    They haven't given me an ETA for fixing the /localstorage creation issue. I'll let you know as soon as they do.

    If you can't wait for /localstorage on vxdb, you can always install a PostgreSQL server on your local machine and start work on the later Pracs there.

  • Online Sessions

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 14 February 2022, 09:56:33 PM.

    Online problem-solving sessions are on Tuesday 12-2 and Thursday 2-4 on Zoom .

    All sessions will be recorded.

    In the first session (Tue 15 Feb), I'll be playing around with the PostgreSQL server.

  • Dropped COMP9315 ?

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 14 February 2022, 11:22:08 AM.

    Have you dropped COMP9315 but are still receiving this email?

    Send me ( email to let me know that you have actually dropped and I'll fix your Webcms3 entry to reflect this.

  • Your Background

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 14 February 2022, 09:23:49 AM.

    I've put up a couple of polls to find out what you know ...

    If you can spare a few minutes to fill them this week, that'd be great

    The polls close on Friday.

  • COMP9315 Welcome and Intro Videos

    Posted by John Shepherd Monday 14 February 2022, 07:19:40 AM.

    The oh-so-dramatic Welcome video is now available, along with the Course Introduction .

    All of the content videos for the whole term are available via the Videos and Slides link in the sidebar menu.

    I'll soon be posting a Week 1 Preview video, with discussion of what you should be doing this week.

    The online sessions will be Tuesday 12-2 and Thursday 3-5 on Zoom . If it asks for a passcode: 437321

  • Course Outline

    Posted by John Shepherd Saturday 05 February 2022, 04:47:23 PM.

    I've finished writing the Course Outline and made it public.

  • Welcome and Warning

    Posted by John Shepherd Friday 07 January 2022, 09:10:26 AM.

    Welcome to COMP9315! An exploration of the internals of database management systems.

    Warning : if you're not a solid C programmer, don't take this course. All of the assignment work and the exam requires you to write complex C programs.

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