
  • Final grade and supp exam

    Posted by Dong Wen 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    This should be the last email from COMP9315_23T1. The final marks are released by the exam unit today. If you have been granted a supp exam, you should have received my confirmation email of the supp exam.

    All the best for your future career~


  • Exam Marking and Ass2 Test Cases

    Posted by Dong Wen 2 years ago.

    We would not apply the exam hurdle. That means you pass the course if your overall mark is over 50. This is already confirmed with school earlier.

    In fact, you should not worry about the final if you think you have already done reasonably good. Some students asked if a scale-up will be applied. As I mentioned in earlier notices before exam, a scale up will be applied. It will make the average mark similar to those of pervious terms.

    All test cases for Ass2 marking are available on . Please refer to earlier emails for Ass2 marking.

  • Q2 log update.

    Posted by Dong Wen 2 years ago.

    The expected log of Q2 (work/q123/test/test7/expected_log_7.txt) is incorrect.

    The old output is:


    1 0

    We have updated it to:


    1 1

    We will give all marks for IO to all students in this questions. That means for Q2, you would not lost mark if your output log does not match the expected result. We still need to check your updated table file structure in marking.

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There is nothing due!


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