
  • Assignment 2 results

    Posted by Raymond Wong 4 years ago.

    We have sent your assignment 2 result to your CSE email. If you have any questions, please follow the instructions in the email.

    FYI, the top 5 total timings for all the backward search tests that are not supposed to generate index:

    0.8 (bonus winner 528****)

    The top 5 total timings for all the backward search tests that are supposed to generate index:

    0.4 (bonus winner 53*****)

  • The final exam link is available now

    Posted by Raymond Wong 4 years ago.

    The exam link is available in Moodle now.

    You can start reading the exam instructions.

    You can only start attempting the exam at 1:30pm AEST.

    The link to the sample exam is now hidden to avoid any confusion.

  • Assignment 2 automarking tests

    Posted by Raymond Wong 4 years ago.

    As mentioned in the last live lecture, we could only start marking a2 yesterday (after receiving all the submissions including those with special considerations). The progress is a bit slow, some submissions have been taking quite a long-time to run. We will email the result to you and announce it here asap, whenever the marking process is completed.

    Meanwhile, to give you an estimate of your assignment performance (with some limitations as mentioned in the autotest's output messages), I have made a cutdown version of the marking test scripts with the same set of tests and you can:

    1) log in to grieg and go to your folder containing the a2 code

    2) run ~cs9319/a2/autotest

    Following the instructions output from the script. Please post any questions in the Forums.

    Please note that as I mentioned in the class, even if your a2 result is not good but your exam performance is very good, we will consider scaling your assignment score by manually re-checking and/or examining your assignment 1/2 code. If you have questions while you study for the exam, remember that consultation sessions are still available this week. Good luck.

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