
  • Supplementary exam Has began

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna 3 years ago.

    Dear All,

    Please be advised that the Supplementary Exam Paper is now released (here Exam ).

    You can submit your MCQ answers in Moodle Quiz ( MCQ )

    Remember the instructions we have provided in the previous announcements. Try to read all the exam questions first, so if you have any questions, you can reach out to us soon, rather in the last minute. Reach out to the lecturer (Morty Al-Banna) via MS Teams or via the course email (

    Best of Luck to all…

    COMP9321 Teaching Team

  • Supplementary exam info

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna 3 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    if you have been approved to participate in the supplementary exam please be advised for the following:

    • the exam is on Thursday the 26th of May @ 13:00 and conclude @ 15:15 (2 hours and 15 minutes).
    • all the exam details are similar as the original final exam (read the previous announcement on the 29th of April) the only difference is that if you have any question you need to contact me (Morty) on Teams or email.
    • it worth to iterate and elaborate about something. we are going to use Moodle quiz bank for the MCQ. you can attempt the MCQ multiple times and only the last attempt that you have click "submit answers" will be considered. as the questions are randomized from the quiz bank, that means if you make new attempt you will get new set of questions.
    • one more thing to emphasize, all answers should be in your own words. copy/paste from any source will get you zero and possible case of student misconduct.

    best of luck to all...

  • Assignmnet 3 marks

    Posted by Mehmet Rad 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi Everyone,
    As you may already know Assignment 3 marks were released a few days ago and it was updated on the same day to resolve the issue in the calculation of metrics based on your output files.

    You can still request a re-assessment. However, before contacting tutors pls check if the output files which are generated by your scripts are correct:

    • Have the same number of rows as the marking-test datasets
    • The "SK_ID_CURR" column contains valid IDs from the marking-test dataset (not random or any sequential IDs). These are important and without correct IDs, your models can be verified.

    For invalid output files, you will lose marks for performance and calculation of metrics (because they cannot be assessed)
    Regarding the performance marks, it is based on how well your model performed on the marking-test dataset, and meeting the baselines does not mean that you will get a full mark.
    If you have already contacted us, there is no need for a new request.


    Mehmet (Mohammadali)

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