
  • Assignment 3 Marks Released

    Posted by Mehmet Rad 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    Dear All,

    Assignment 3 marks and feedback are visible now, and you can check your mark using the following command on CSE lab machines:

    9321 classrun -sturec

    Please be informed that

    • Performance marks for Part I and II are non-negotiable. We eased the marking criteria, so you get a higher mark than mentioned in the spec. The feedback also indicates what percentage of students outperformed you.
    • The "report" is also marked by two tutors. Please check the assignment specification before asking for any reassessment. The spec explicitly states that the report should suggest ATM locations with deep analytical justifications (statistics, plots). As such you are losing marks if you are discussing anything else (e.g., ML, Feature Engineering) without adequte addressing the assignment question.
    • Even if you did not meet the minimum requirements for the baselines, we still give you a mark for your efforts.
    If you have any inquiries about assignment 3 you can contact "Mehmet Rad".

  • Some Guidance about the Final Exam

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna 2 years ago.

    Dear All,

    Just to iterate was mentioned in the lectures about the final exam. Here are some useful pointers:

    • The exam is on Thursday the 4th of May 2023 starting 9:45 AM Sydney time.
    • The exam is for 2 hours + 15 mins reading time.
    • The exam is a take home online exam using Inspera as a platform.
    • Information about Inspera could be found here ( )
    • The exam has multiple choice and written questions. 20 multiple choice questions and 7 written questions. The mark distribution is 10 marks for the MCQ and 30 for the written questions.
    • The exam is not invigilated hence, you do not need to install the Safe Exam Browser (SEB).
    • During the exam, the communication is going to be through the exam unit. During the exam, neither the lecturer nor the tutors have the ability to make any announcements nor change anything in the platform. So if you are facing any issue during the exam, you need to contact the exam unit and follow the instructions they provide.
    • if you are not feeling well and/or unable to participate in the final exam, please submit a special consideration request and provide the required documentation. the Special consideration unit will determine if the school will be granting you a supplementary exam. More about the special consideration request could be found here ( )

    Finally, best of luck to you all in the final exam for COMP9321 and all the other exams.

    COMP9321 Teaching Team

  • Assignment 2 Marks Released

    Posted by Mehmet Rad 2 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Assignment 2 marks and feedbacks are now visible. Please check your marks and feedback, if you have any inquiries please contact the marking tutor directly. The tutor's name is in the assign2feedback.
    You should be able to see your marks using the following command in CSE Vlab Machines from your student account. Please run the following in a terminal to see your assignment and quiz marks and full assignment- feedback.

    9321 classrun -sturec

    **If your submission has not been marked, please contact "Mehmet Rad".

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