
  • Assignment 3 marks

    Posted by Mehmet Rad Thursday 02 May 2024, 01:33:21 PM, last modified Thursday 02 May 2024, 02:30:40 PM.

    Dear All,

    Assignment 3 marks and feedback are available now, and you can check your mark using the following command on CSE lab machines:

    9321 classrun -sturec

    You should check "assign3" and "assign3feedback" fields; Please contact Mehmet via email in case of any inqueries.

    Please be noted that, as per spec, you will get ZERO for any part if your code does not generate correct output files (number of rows, column format, etc). Your report mark is also maked based on the expected 3 sections (as per spec) and required statistical analysis of your ML model, feature engineering, and model tuning.

    You can also use the marking test dataset: Marking-Test-Dataset to evalauate your models.
    If your model MSE and F1-score flactualtes every time that it is being run, your will not be qualified for any reassessment; this means your model is not very stable.

  • Final Exam Info

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna Wednesday 01 May 2024, 10:58:08 PM.

    Dear All,

    I hope that everyone is doing great in your final exams.

    I just wanted to share some guidelines in regard to the platform that you are going to take the COMP9321 final exam on (which is Inspera). please view the PDF file and follow the guidance provided by the exam team. As I mentioned before, any question or if you need any help/support the single point of contact is the exam team. Please refrain from contacting the Lecturer or the teaching team directly for questions/support in regard to final exam.

    Best of luck to all...

    COMP9321 teaching team

  • MyExperience survey participation final reminder

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna Thursday 25 April 2024, 07:49:30 PM.

    Dear All,

    Many Thanks for all the students who have already participated in the MyExperience Survey. For those who have not had the chance yet, please if you may participate quickly before the survey is closed. We really appreciate your feedback, and we would like to know what are the things you have enjoyed and what we can improve.

    COMP9321 is heavily technical, and we try our best to ensure that what we cover would be useful to you. Your feedback would be a great help for us to maintain that.

    Best of luck to all in the coming exams and please feel free to reach out if you have any question or need any help...

    COMP9321 teaching team.

Upcoming Due Dates

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