Dear All,
Welcome to Week5 of COMP9321. Congrats, we are halfway through.
For this Week, we are going to continue with the topic of Web Services and focusing on REST API. This is the second phase of the course, where we focus on how you can allow your data to be consumed as a web service. We are going to consider how you can consider your Web API RESTful, some best practices and how you can leverage the existing Python libraries to help you build your REST Web API.
The Lab activities for Week5 are now available. We encourage you to do them at your own convenience. As always, we have consultation labs for everyday of the week. Check the timetable section for the times. It worth to remember that in each Lab session, the Tutor will be available to answer question and provide support as needed. Feel free to reach out to the tutor and you can initiate a call and share your screen as needed.
In regard to what’s due this week, Assignment1, is Due today in few hours and Quiz2 is Due Tuesday before Noon. I hope that you have submitted your assignment1 by now or finalizing and polishing your submission. Again, I want you to remember that the assignment is on the scale of a small individual project. The assignments are there to help you practice what you have learned, and the marks are there to give you feedback to improve. Use the forum in ED discussions and the consultation labs if you require support.
The COMP9321 teaching team is always rooting for you and here to help. Do not hesitate to use the forum to ask as many questions or contact us via the course email.
As always, remember to have fun and enjoy the learning experience. :)
COMP9321 Teaching Team<
Dear All,
Quiz2 is released. As I missed posting it yesterday, so I gave an extra day for the completion. (Due Tuesday Before Noon).
Best of luck to all...
Dear All,
Welcome to Week4 of COMP9321. Things are getting more interesting…
For this Week, we are going to cover the topic of Data visualization. Visualization is a very important topic. We are going to learn what makes a good visualization, and how we can apply our knowledge in Python and Pandas to generate some useful visualisations. We are also going to start with the second phase of the course which is Web Services.
The Lab activities for Week4 are now available. We encourage you to do them at your own convenience. As always, we have consultation labs for everyday of the week. Check the timetable section for the times.
Quiz2 will be released after Thursday lecture. Make sure to participate before the deadline and remember for Quiz2 and all the coming quizzes you only have one attempt on each. We are going to keep quizzes release to be after the Thursday lectures and due Monday, so it is easier to track.
Assignment1 specification was released last week. I can already see many interesting conversations in the forum. Remember that the assignment is on the scale of a small individual project and the dataset we are using is a real-world dataset coming from external source (i.e., we have not synthesized the data). Utilize your analytical skills and what you have learned in the course. Start early and ask as many questions as possible in the Forum and/or the consultation labs. If you have not noticed the post made by Dylan in ED about the Q1 clarification, please have a look at the specification to see the update. The assignments are there to help you practice what you have learned, and the marks are there to give you feedback to improve.
The COMP9321 teaching team is always rooting for you and here to help. Do not hesitate to use the forum to ask as many questions or contact us via the course email.
As always, remember to have fun and enjoy the learning experience. :)
COMP9321 Teaching TeamDear All,
Welcome to Week3 of COMP9321.
For this Week, we are going to continue with Data pre-processing/wrangling and how you can work with the data to improve its quality and relevancy. Expect more in-lecture exercises. We will also start with Data visualization as well.
The Lab activities for Week3 are now available. If you have not checked them out, we encourage you to do them at your own convenience. Another reminder, that we have consultation labs for everyday of the week. Lab activities are not marked, but they are super important to help you get the required knowledge and skills to solve the assignments.
Assignment1 specification is now released . Please read the specifications very carefully and let us know if there is anything needs clarification. We are going to walkthrough the specification today during the lecture. We encourage everyone to start working on the assignment the sooner the better.
A reminder for students who have not joined the course in MS Teams, <u>please join ASAP</u> . All the live lectures and Consultation Labs are on MS Teams. As I mentioned in the previous announcement, we are not in the habit of approving individual permission requests. As long as you have joined the course in MS Teams, you will be automatically in the Group provided the permission to access the recordings.
The COMP9321 teaching team is always rooting for you and here to help. Do not hesitate to use the forum to ask as many questions or contact us via the course email.
As always, remember to have fun and enjoy the learning experience. :)
COMP9321 Teaching TeamDear All,
Quiz1 is released. You can attempt the quiz only one time. Please make sure that once you start the attempt, you answer all the questions and avoid having the session idle for long. Pay attention that some questions may have multiple answers. You need to select all the correct answers (if applicable) to get the mark.
Best of luck to all...
COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Welcome to Week2 of COMP9321. I hope you will enjoy the ride.
For this Week, we are going to continue with Data Access and how to store the Data Accessed, learn about NoSQL Databases, then we dive deeper into how you can perform some basic data cleansing (cleaning) and explore your dataset to grasp some understanding.
The Lab activities for Week2 are now available. We encourage you to do them at your own convenience and check the sample solutions if needed. Please be noted that there might be more than one correct solution for an activity. Remember that we have consultation labs for everyday of the week (starting today). Check the timetable section in WebCMS or the post in ED for the times. Lab activities are not marked and attending the labs is not mandatory, but the lab activities are super important to help you get the required knowledge and skills to solve the assignments. For Attending the consultation labs, head to the Course MS Teams Lab channel on the designated time.
The First Quiz will be released after the Thursday Lecture. Once the quiz is available, we will make an announcement in WebCMS. You can access the quiz through the activity section of WebCMS. Quizzes will remain open till Mondays Noon, and you can attempt the quiz only once.
I can see some excellent conversations in ED Stream’s forum. Please keep the questions coming and when you see a classmate asking a question that you know the answer for, don’t be shy, and contribute to the community.
As a side note, if you are still not in MS teams, please join ASAP. We do not encourage the habit of approving individual requests to access the recordings. You can access them directly as long as you are part of the MS Teams Group.
The COMP9321 teaching team is always rooting for you and here to help. Do not hesitate to use the forum to ask as many questions you like or contact us via the course email.
Finally, remember to have fun and enjoy the learning experience. :)
COMP9321 Teaching TeamDear All,
Welcome to Week1 of COMP9321 Data Services Engineering. I hope that you are excited as we are for the first lecture today at 6:00PM (Sydney time). Today’s lecture will be for an overview of the course and introduction to the subject of Data Services Engineering.
As I mentioned in the welcome notice, we are using MS Teams to deliver the lecture live. If you have not joined, please join ASAP ( You can either access the meeting invite posted in the General Channel of the COMP9321 MS Teams Space or click the link and follow through (
Some general notes:
Please Mute your Mic when you join. If you need to ask a question using voice, please feel free to raise your hand, so we can take a pause for you to ask the question. Feel free to ask question anytime during the lecture. We will also have one of our brilliant tutors (Dylan) observing the chat space during the Lecture and answer questions on the spot if needed. Please use the chat responsibly.
The lecture will be recorded. The recording can be found in the general channel, and we will add the link in WebCMS after the lecture.
Make Sure to be on the discussion Forum on Ed Stream, as this is our Q&A platform for this term. The Lecture Material will reside in Both WebCMS and Ed Stream (Lessons section). Please strictly use Ed Stream for posting questions or initiating discussions as WebCMS Forum will not be monitored. We have added all students who were already in the system to Ed, but if you have joined late, then please join the course in Ed via the link in the Poll (
Looking forward to seeing you all...
Morty and COMP9321 Teaching Team
Dear All,
Welcome to COMP9321 (Data Services Engineering). Please feel free to check the course provisional outline here ( ).
For the offering of 2025T1 please be advised of the following:
I hope that you will find COMP9321 Educational and Fun...
Stay tuned for further updates...
Best regards,
COMP9321 Teaching team