
  • The final wrap-up lecture notes

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    I've uploaded the wrap-up notes. Good luck with the exam. My consultation times during the study period are:

    Tuesday 11am-12:30pm (Level 4 Consultation Room)

    Wednesday 1pm-2pm (Level 4 Consultation Room)

    Other times - email me.

  • Submission for Ass2 and Demo

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago.

    Submission is setup under Assignments. Choose the assignment spec page. You will find 'Make Submission' tab on the page.


    .Submit your source code by the deadline. Make sure that you clean your project directories. The size should not be over 15MB (current size limit in the submission system).

    .Turn up on time. You will be using your own computer to demo. When the demo starts, you will download your submission, unpack them into your environment to setup/run everything.

    . Prepare your scenario - some test data, test workflow scenarios. I will be asking some questions about the implementation throughout the demo.

    For late submissions, the late penalty policy is the same as Assignment 1. You should still submit your solution when you are ready, and then contact me later to organise a demo time separately.

  • Quiz 4 - extension

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago.

    Apparently, my early posting about cancelling Quiz 5 confused a few people. I've extended the quiz 4 till 11:59pm today.

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