
  • Looking for a project student

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago.

    Hi, there,

    If you are interested in doing a project course, please contact me. We can discuss some topics around text analysis and information extraction - all framed around building Web or mobile applications.

    For postgrad students, I found an information page (pre-req) Here

    For undergrad students, please enquire at the Student Service desk, as I cannot find relevant info online ... you might have different rules to postgrad students ...

  • Wrapup slides

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago.

    I have uploaded the wrap up lecture slides. Go to Lectures, Week 12.

  • Exam consultation times

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago.

    I will open the final exam consultation times as follows. These are drop-in sessions. No need to make appointments.

    * Monday 14th Nov 11am - 12.30pm (Level 4, K17)

    * Tuesday 15th 3pm - 4.30pm (Level 4, K17)

    * Wednesday 16th 10.30am - 12pm (Level 4, K17)

  • Course Updates

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago.

    You all must be wondering about final exam details. I have a hand injury - and currently trying to minimise computer work for a week or two. I will respond with details/consultation times, etc. by the end of this week.

  • SMS classrun

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago.

    Now you can check your marks in SMS by running:

    % 9322 classrun -sturec

    from your CSE account ... If you'd like to know the breakdown of the marks, I am more than happy to provide the info. But I prefer that all inquiries regarding marks to come after the assignment demo. So, hold on to your thought, complete the rest of the assessment items, and contact me LATER (e.g., after Week 13 or so), if you want to discuss anything about the marks.

  • Assignment 2 Submission, Demo Booking and Marking Guide

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    The submission can be done via the Assignment 2 page. You should see "Make Submission" option on the Assignment Specification page now. If you haven't booked a demo session with me, you should do so ASAP.

    You will demo what you have submitted. See you on Thursday Level 4 (consultation room 402).

  • REMINDER - myExperience Survey on COMP9322

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Thank you to the students who filled in the course survey already. Could I ask the rest of the class to complete? I did not customise the questions, so probably you'd get the standard set of questions ... but what I am more interested in is your comments about how the course was run . What you'd like to see in the course - what kind of help would improve your experience and learning outcome in a course like this. This course will probably change in the over the next couple of semesters - so your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Don't have to complain about BPEL - I know it already ;-)

  • Quiz 4 is out (and is due on Saturday 11pm)

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago.

    The last quiz (on Data Services) is out. Do fill out by this Saturday 11pm (15th October).

  • Assignment 2 released

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    The specification is now linked from the Assignment 2 section. Please do the following:

    1. read the spec

    2. register a group (under Groups) - a group of two only.

    3. make a booking for a meeting in Week 9,10 or 11 (under Lectures, Week 9-11, look for available time slots)

  • Peer Marking Feedback (overdue)

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago.

    Quite a few students did not complete the feedback section of the peer marking exercise.

    If you haven't, log into the system, check the assessment details/comments from your peers about the marks given, then give your feedback on the marking effort. Do this by today, so that I can finalise the results.

    Well done, if you have done so already!

  • (UPDATED) Peer Marking and Test Cases Available

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    The same system you used for submission is now setup for peer marking (starts at 1pm, today 6th September). I have compiled a list of test cases and some comments (see under Assignment 1).

    Everybody is assigned two solutions. There is no 'overlapping' in the allocation in that you won't find a case where you are also marking your assessor's.

    Try to be fair. Don't be afraid of making your own judgement about the solution you are given. The deadline for entering peer marking result is 11pm, 11th September.

    I will open the peer marking system from 3pm Tuesday (6th Sep) - instead of 10am as previously advertised. I am waiting for special extension submissions to come in.

    I will let you know once the system is open.

  • Reminder - Quiz 3 (released on 6pm Monday)

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    The Quiz 3 will open from 6pm Monday (today), closing 23:00 Wednesday . The topic is Restful services.

  • Ass1 test cases and Quiz 3 on REST will be released next Monday

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago.

    Since you will be working on Assignment 1 over the weekend, instead of releasing Quiz 3 this week, I will release it on Monday next week and let you know when it is open.

    Send me the test cases - would be good if we could compile an interesting list before the marking opens.

  • Ass1 Test Cases

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago.

    As I talked briefly in the lecture, I am going to "crowdsource" test cases for Assignment 1 from you. Send me email (or post a message on Forum under 'Test Cases for Ass1'.

    The email/message should include:

    (i) which operation the test applies to, (ii) input to the operation, (iii) expected output (or description of what you'd expect as output.

    Think about cases that you'd like to test on other student's solutions. They could range from something very basic, to tricky (or dangerous ???)

    I am going to compile the cases and put up a document for peer marking.

  • Week 6 updates

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago.

    I have released the marking and submission guides (Under Assignment 1). Make sure that you read and understand the instructions, if any question, use Forum or email me.

    For the lecture this week, I will walk through some sample code of a RESTful service and talk about implementing workflow with REST. If you could read This Article before you come to the lecture, it would be great.

  • Quiz 2 released (due Monday 29th 11pm)

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    Apologies. The quiz start date was not set correctly - so it did not start when it was supposed to (yesterday/Friday).

    Anyway, it is released now and I will close it on Monday 29th 11pm.

  • Week 5 Updates

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    All video recordings are now uploaded and linked.

    If you are coming to the lecture today, this week, we will talk about RESTful service principles. Not much hands on stuff as I have to get through some important concepts about REST design first. Next week, we will play around with the RESTful lab exercise and perhaps go through some code from Assignment 2 from last semester.

    There will be a quiz released this Friday.

  • Week 4 Updates

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago.

    The assignment 1 specification is available. It was linked onto the site on Monday, so some of you may have read it already. I still have to put up the videos for the last topic (Data services). Maybe next week ...!

    If you are coming to this week's lecture, I will talk about the assignment briefly, and go through Web service composition concept with the BPEL tool.

  • Reminder - Quiz 1 is released (extension)

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    (UPDATE) - a couple students missed the deadline, as this is the first quiz, I will allow one day extension - Monday tonight 11pm. I won't be extending quiz deadline from the next one though.

    Quiz 1 will be open from 9am Friday (12th August), closing on Sunday 11pm (14th August).

  • Week 3 Updates

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    More lecture videos and PDF slides will be released later today. There will be an online quiz (Quiz 1) at the end of this week. The specification for assignment 1 (individual work) is going to be either at the end of this week or early next week (Week 4).

    See you at the lecture tomorrow, if you are coming - we will briefly go through the lab1/2.

  • Lecture Videos and Slides, New Lecture Room

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    Wow. No one told me processing/editing video files could take this long!!!!! Anyway, I am learning as I go. I know many of you are losing precious sleeps over the excitement about the videos (NOT!), so I am releasing first three videos first, and then I will add the rest of them as quickly as I can. The videos and slides are available under "Course Work, Lectures".

    See you in CLB2 (for week 2). (UPDATE) Room for Week 2 is MAT 303 (Matthews Building F23, Level 3).

  • Lecture Room for Week 2

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    (UPDATE) Just managed to change the room. We are now at MAT 303 (Matthews Building F23, Level 3).

    I am desperately searching for a smaller/tutorial type room, but finding it impossible. There are lots of extra events happening in the earlier part of the semester. So, for Week 2, we will meet in CLB2 still.

  • Course Materials

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago.

    I have first fixed the lab links. All labs are now available (covering all topics). I will release all the videos and lecture notes soon. It is more likely to happen either on Tuesday or Wednesday.

  • Welcome to S2 2016 offering of Service Oriented Architectures

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    There is no lab or tutorial in Week 1. See you at the intro lecture.

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