
1. Apparently, a combination of suburb and state names does not result in a unique postcode. A student discovered that Maroubra, NSW, for example, has two postcodes. To make it simple, let's just return the one of the returned postcodes if there are multiple results.

2. You can remove the MustUnderstand attribute in the request header. It's not necessary.

3. Use Maven to manage your extra libraries (such as SQLite JDBC driver). There are plenty of examples on the Web that shows how to add dependencies into Maven (using pom.xml file)

4. This sample code is a good example of connecting/configuring SQLite and JDBC. Sample JDBC connection code with SQLite

Resource created Friday 22 July 2016, 03:34:11 PM, last modified Wednesday 31 August 2016, 10:52:17 AM.

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