
  • Quizzes, marks and exam consultation

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Hello, class,

    A few things to note before the exam.

    1. I have entered the marks so far into SMS. You can view them in two ways :- first, spot the little icon (looking like a graph) next to your name in the bottom of the side menu bar in WebCMS3. When you click the icon, it should take you to the marks page. Second, login to your CSE account, and run '9322 classrun -sturec'
    2. I have re-opened all four quizzes so you can try them out again. The marks will be ignored, of course. You can also re-submit as many times as you'd like (i.e., try it until you get all 10 questions right in each quiz).
    3. A consultation for the exam is on the 22nd June Thursday 2.00pm-4pm, Level 4 K17.

    IMPORTANT: I normally handle marks related enquiries after the final exams. So, do not email me about the marks now. We can resolve the issues after the exam.

  • Week 12 materials and Quizzes 3-4.

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago.

    I have uploaded relevant materials for Week 12 lecture.

    Quiz 3 is re-opened for students who did not complete it last time. Quiz 4 (covering the last topic and the labs) is available. Both Quiz 3 and Quiz 4 are due on 28th May (Sunday) 11:59pm. I will send a reminder.

  • Lecture in Week 12 and Quizzes

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    There is a lecture on Monday (3-6pm, MAT303). This will be the final lecture (NO REPEAT LECTURE on WEDNESDAY) for this semester. I will use this time to introduce the concept of service orchestration/composition, then final wrap-up and final exam Q/A.

    For those who cannot attend Monday, I will put out enough information afterwards so that you do not miss out on necessary information.

    Quiz 4 will be released this week. I will also re-open Quiz 3 for students who missed it (10% late penalty applies). I will send reminders out when they are open.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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