
  • Welcome to COMP9323

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna 5 years ago.

    Dear All,

    Welcome to COMP9323 (Software as a Service Project) T2 2020...

    For COMP9323, we are going to use Microsoft Teams as the communication platform for the course. It is essential to join the course in Microsoft Teams ASAP using the following link (<wbr>l/team/19:e9221f39b8... ) as all announcements, project descriptions, project phases, activities, meetings, discussions, submissions are going to be managed there.

    If you are not familiar with Microsoft Teams as a communication platform, please feel free to check out the following resources ( ).

    We will release project topics, descriptions, and guidelines to form project groups by Thursday the 28 th of May 2020.

    Below are the details of the online introductory session to explain the objective of the course, projects, assessments, groups:

    • Date: Thursday, June 4th, 2020
    • Online Course Platform: Microsoft Teams (an invitation will be sent to all students)
    • Time: 18h00 to 21h00

    See you all there.
    Handbook information:

    Stay tuned, we are looking forward to work with you all on exciting projects during Term 2.

    Best regards,

    The COMP9323 2020T2 teaching team

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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