
  • Viewing exam papers (Tue 3 July)

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    If you'd like to view your exam paper, you can come to my office (608/K17) between 1-1:30pm on Tue 3 July.

  • Project / exam / provisional final marks

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    The project, exam and provisional final marks are now available. You can view them from this website. Alternatively you can check it from your CSE account, see instructions below.

    If you've questions on your project mark, please email the tutor (Mr. Hoseini at ), whom you had already met when doing your demo.

    If you've questions on your exam, you can email me. If you want to view your exam paper, you can come to my office (Room 608/K17) on Thur 28 June between 5:45-6:15pm. I will make another time available in the week of 2 July for you to view your exam paper without an appointment.

    If your provisional final mark is 50 or above, then you've passed. Please note that the CSE policy that supp exam is only offered to those who didn't attend the exam due to circumstances outside of their control.

    I hope you enjoyed the course. All the best.


    To check marks from your CSE account, log onto your CSE account and and type the following command at the prompt:

    9334 classrun 18s1 -sturec

  • Pre-exam consultations

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    I'll be available for pre-exam consultation in Room 608, Building K17, at the following times:

    • Friday 15 June at 9:45-10:45am
    • Tuesday 19 June at 12:30-1:30pm

    You can also ask questions on the forum. If you post your question before 5 pm on 20 June, I'll answer them. After that, I will try my best to answer them before the exam starts.

    All the best with the exam.

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