
  • Viewing exam papers (Tue 3 July)

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    If you'd like to view your exam paper, you can come to my office (608/K17) between 1-1:30pm on Tue 3 July.

  • Project / exam / provisional final marks

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    The project, exam and provisional final marks are now available. You can view them from this website. Alternatively you can check it from your CSE account, see instructions below.

    If you've questions on your project mark, please email the tutor (Mr. Hoseini at ), whom you had already met when doing your demo.

    If you've questions on your exam, you can email me. If you want to view your exam paper, you can come to my office (Room 608/K17) on Thur 28 June between 5:45-6:15pm. I will make another time available in the week of 2 July for you to view your exam paper without an appointment.

    If your provisional final mark is 50 or above, then you've passed. Please note that the CSE policy that supp exam is only offered to those who didn't attend the exam due to circumstances outside of their control.

    I hope you enjoyed the course. All the best.


    To check marks from your CSE account, log onto your CSE account and and type the following command at the prompt:

    9334 classrun 18s1 -sturec

  • Pre-exam consultations

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    I'll be available for pre-exam consultation in Room 608, Building K17, at the following times:

    • Friday 15 June at 9:45-10:45am
    • Tuesday 19 June at 12:30-1:30pm

    You can also ask questions on the forum. If you post your question before 5 pm on 20 June, I'll answer them. After that, I will try my best to answer them before the exam starts.

    All the best with the exam.

  • Important information on project interview

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    This message contains important information on project interview. Please read carefully.

    If you have signed up for an interview time slot using the Doddle poll we provided earlier, we kindly ask you to go to the project web page to check the Google Sheet on what your time slot is. All of you should do this. This is because some students have signed up for multiple time slots and we had to remove the redundant choices. We therefore ask all of you to check the updated Google Sheet to confirm. If you have questions, please email the course tutor whose email address is available on the project page.

    If you haven't signed up yet, the Doodle poll is now closed. Your will need to contact the course tutor directly. His email address is available on the project page.

  • Project interview location

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    You can check the project interview location from the project page. It is IMPORTANT that you arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time. If you are late and because of a very packed interview schedule, we may not be able to grant you another interview time slot.

  • Interview time

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    Thanks for those who have signed up for the interview. If you want to check which interview time slot you have signed up for, please go to the project page and you will find a link to Google Sheet.

    We will provide the location of the interview shortly.

  • Signing up for project interview

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    As mentioned in the project spec, you are required to attend an interview to demonstrate your work. Each interview slot lasts for 10 minutes. Please include both your NAME and STUDENT NUMBER when signing up.

    You can now sign up using the following Doodle poll:

    We will inform you the location later on.

  • Assignment marks

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago, last modified 7 years ago.

    Further to the notice below, if checking marks on the website doesn't work, you can log onto your CSE account and type the following command at the prompt:

    9334 classrun 18s1 -sturec


    The assignment marks are now available, and you can check them from the course website.

    The class did pretty well. The class average is 12 marks out of a total of 15. From the forum discussion on Question 2, I saw that some of you were surprised to see that the job arrival rate was bigger than the aggregate service rate. That was done on purpose to get you to think about the problem.

  • Project (Version 1.0)

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    Project (version 1.0) has just been released. I will discuss it in the lecture today.

  • Project (Version 0.5)

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago, last modified 7 years ago.

    For the COMP9334 project, you will simulate computer system called setup/delayedoff and use your simulation program to do some design. I have released Version 0.5 of the project which explains the set-up of the simulation. This is so that you can read the system description and start to think about how to do the simulation. I will release the full version next week.

    If you click on the Project link on the left, you will find Version 0.5. If you click on the link "Project (Reference paper)", you will find the paper referred to in the project document.

    The following information will be in the final version but it may be useful for you to know:

    • You can implement your simulation in Python (Version 2 or 3), C, C++, Java or Matlab. All these languages and numerical packages are available on the CSE system. Your submitted program must be able to run on a CSE computer because we will test your program on the CSE system.

  • Assignment

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    Assignment has been released. You can find it under the Course Work menu on the left.

  • Week 3's lecture materials and lecture video recordings

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    Week 3's lecture notes have been posted. There are 3 pre-lecture questions that you should attempt before coming to the lecture. All 3 questions have to do some probability concepts that we will be using in the lecture.

    You can view lecture recordings for COMP9334 on Moodle. I've also put a URL under Course Work menu on the left which takes you directly to the lecture recording page on Moodle.

  • Welcome to COMP9334!

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 7 years ago.

    Dear All,

    Welcome to the 18s1 edition of COMP9334!

    Please note that the website for COMP9334 is at:

    You can find the following at the course website:

    • Course Outline
    • Week 1's lecture notes and revision problems under Course Work menu on the left

    You may have noticed that there is also a Moodle site for COMP9334. We will only be using that for lecture video recordings.

    The lectures will be every Tuesday noon-3pm in CLB6.

    See you next Tuesday.

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