Hi all,
You can now view your provisional grade on webcms3.
Hi all,
If you want to return devices in person, please send an email to my personal email address uzma.maroof@unsw.edu.au and we can decide a mutually convenient time.
Here is an approx 15 minute diluted version, couldn't do any shorter :). This is on youtube so feel free to share with your family and friends to hopefully have a the basic understanding of how it works so that they can make an educated decision on whether to use it or not. And surely it is not examinable :)
Dear all,
We had issued one set of devices per group. It is requested to please return these using Australian Post before coming Tuesday (12.05.2020) so that we can safely receive these back before releasing your result. Please do not forget to place a paper inside mentioning your name/zid. You can send these to the following address:
Uzma Maroof,
PhD candidate,
Room 501, Level-5, K-17, CSE building,
UNSW, High Street , 2052.
Once you have done the needful please email the following details to eng.cse.COMP4337@unsw.edu.au:
1. Group ID
2. Student zID
3. Student Name
4. Tracking number
5. Date posted
For any issues please send an email to course email address.
For, Q&A part, please use three topics below your own listing in forum. For bottom three groups you can wrap around to the top.
Also, I have been received request asking whether you must submit the report/video if you have already passed the course use other components. Given that there is no compulsory assessment of this part or a separate passing criteria attached to it, non-submission will result in zero marks for this component and if you still pass then your grade stands pass. However, my concern is that it is a group task and it may affect your team member's performance and they may wish to do the report/video/QnA for learning experience.
I am ok to provide a choice of not submitting as long as we receive a written email message (cc-ed to the other team member) to eng.cse.comp4337@unsw.edu.au requesting exemption from submission confirming that both partners agree with this. However, I encourage you to submit and participate, there is lot of value in learning how to do research, write a report and handle Q and A.
Hi all,
This is the friendly reminder for the Quiz 2 today at 1200 hrs. It will be available on Moodle from this link: https://moodle.telt.unsw.edu.au/mod/quiz/view.php?id=2914851
Please also note that there is no negative marking, however, scaling may be applied by LiC.
Following is full list of notes/recordings that you need to review for Quiz-2.
WK04-01-Network Layer Security
WK05- WLAN 802.1X Authentication, WK05-02: Link Layer Security
WK07- Operational Security: Firewall and IDS
WK08- Broadcast Security
WK09 - IoT Security Analysis: Experimental Study, Bluetooth Security
WK10 - Crypto Currencies
Best of luck
There has been a mistake in past notification. I checked the question bank and IPSec wasn't examined in Quiz-1. So IPSec will be covered this time. I had altered schedule of lecture this term a bit. As for SSL/TLS, it comes back in relation to many protocols, so its details will not be explicitly examined but a quick review is helpful, in fact it is one of the most prominent security protocols around. For example EAP has some TLS modes.
Hi all,
A new forum with the name "Research Project Forum" has been created. There is a sub-forum for each research project. You can use this sub-forum to post links to your project videos.
In case of any issues please send an email to the course email address.
I have created a few sample practice quiz in Webcms. Please make sure that you go through the lecture material before taking this quiz
In light of quiz-2, I have extended deadlines slightly. However, feel free to submit it earlier. We need some time to create links for presentations and hence only slight change to allow additional few hours on Friday 24th April.
Research Report Submission date extended to 12:00 pm, 27th April.
Groups should submit presentation by 17:00 hrs 24 th April.
Post questions by 28 th April 17.00 hours and allow for up to 24 hours for response from the presenters. All Q&A should be finished by 17:00 pm, 29 th April. <o:p></o:p>
I am getting inquiries about report format. I recommend the following
- Single column, 6 page limit including reference, separate diary page
- White A4 size paper with at least 0.5 cm margin on each side and at top and bottom.
- Line spacing can be of your choice but should provide decent readability for markers, at the same time 4 lines per page will not be well received :).
• A highly legible font type must be used before converting to PDF such as: Arial, Helvetica, Palatino and Times New Roman subject to them being an equivalent sized font to 12 point Times New Roman. Variants such as mathematical typesetting languages may also be used.
• References can be in equivalent sized font to 10 point Times New Roman.
I have uploaded bluetooth lecture notes. The .pptx has explanatory notes. It took me lot more than anticipated as new standards have come and material is a bit scattered all over. Anyway, please read them and feel free to ask questions via forum. I will be releasing a few practice quiz questions over the weekend.
Hi all,
We have uploaded the overall marks for the labs which contribute 20 out of 100 marks for this course. The weights assigned to different labs is as follows:
The class average for the labs is 18.8 marks with a standard deviation of 1.7
In case of any issue please send an email on the course email address.
A quick reminder that Quiz-2 will be run online (exactly the way we did Quiz-1). I am yet to finalise the paper but it will be 1 hour duration from 12-1.00 pm on 24th April. You would have 40-45 MCQ questions which will cover the material since the first Quiz. I happy to take questions via Forum on specific issues that may concern you (coverage etc). I will release a sample quiz by Friday COB for you to practice. Also, I am working on a module on Bluetooth security. Quality of past recording was bad and I wanted to update the lecture as well. Hopefully, I can release this by Friday 17th April.
As already mentioned in a previous notification, the subject will award only SY/FL. You will need to score minimum of 50 marks in aggregate (20 lab, 20 project, 60 quiz). In addition, must score 24/60 for combined quiz1 and Quiz2 scores. Quiz1 will be scaled to 20 marks and Quiz-2 will consist of 40 marks.
Hope you all are keeping safe.
Dear all,
Please note that your Quiz 1 marks have been update by removing negative marking. You can view the updated marks now on WebCMS3.
Also note, since the quiz has been closed therefore marks on Moodle remain unchanged, thus refer to WebCMS3 for updated marks.
Please feel free to contact in case of any issue.
Dear all,
Please note the update information regarding how special consideration requests for online assessment. This information will also be available from the course menu on webcms:
Due to the recent change to online assessments, we have updated the special consideration <u> website </u> and the special consideration guidelines to include what a student should do if they experience technical issues whilst completing an assessment. The following information has been added:
If a student experiences a technical or connection problem during an online assessment, they should take the following steps:
Time zones –We are having many students apply for special consideration due to time difference. It is currently the expectation that students are able to complete the assessment based on the Australian Eastern Standard Time, AEST that has been set.
We will continue you to show flexibility in term 1 around supporting documentation and ability to submit an application on time due the ever evolving COVID situation and the stress many of our students are still facing.
As you may already be aware, faculty of engineering has decide tnot to provide a grade (subject to few exceptions of project based courses). I had made a request for graded resulted for this subject however, this was was declined. As a backup for SY/FL system, I had earlier run a poll seeking your preference as it needed adjustments to assessment. Based on 31 participants, we received 26 support for he option described below which will be implemented this term.
1. Your final result will be Satisfactory or Fail.
2. To obtain a satisfactory result, you must achieve at least 50% of aggregate marks including all components (labs, assignment, quizzes). In addition, you must meet double pass in quizzes described in point 4.
3. Lab marking – 20 % (no change), Assignment/Project – 20 % (no change in marking, everyone to research report, no practical hands-on version)
4. Quiz-1 contribute will be worth 20%. Quiz-2 will be worth 40%. One must achieve minimum 24 marks of 60 from aggregated two quizzes for double pass. If you get aggregate of 50% or more but achieve less than 23 marks in quizzes, a Fail grade will be awarded. There is no additional final/supplementary quiz/exam during formal examination period.
QUIZ-2 Date: Friday 24th April 12 - 2.00 PM (details of coverage, question type, exact duration etc to be announced in a separate email). This will be conduced online similar to Quiz-1.
If anyone is overseas and had issues with time-zone etc, could you please contact LIC immediately to work out a solution.
Stay safe.
I have uploaded a new file with your group information and a topic. Please send your queries to class list if you have any issues. Some people have been partnered with a new person due to maximum 2 person per group limit. Please use the z-id to communicate with your partner. I also request you to form your groups via Webcms for working on this project (you can share files, maintain your diary, use wiki and so forth). Also notify use via class email if you find any issues with access control of these groups on Webcms.
On a side note, faculty is still considering SY grading issue and we will notify you of the outcome as soon as practicable.
Hi All,
Specs for Lab 5 are now available. In this lab we will explore an Intrusion detection tool called Snort. This requires that snort is installed on your system prior to that start of your scheduled lab on Microsoft Teams.
You can have any flavour of Linux and install snort on it. However, you are encouraged to download Kali Linux VM that is also installed on CSE machines. It can be downloaded from this link: https://mirror.cse.unsw.edu.au/pub/COMP4337/
This VM was created on VMware Fusion, but should work on Player for Windows and Linux (available for students from https://taggi.cse.unsw.edu.au/FAQ/VMware_Academic_Program/)
The expanded file is about 10G in size and is compressed with 7zip https://www.7- zip.org/download.html
Hi all,
Marks for Lab 1,2,3 and Class Quiz are now available on WebCMS3 too. Please send an email to the course list in case of any issue.
Lab marks are also visible on Moodle but only to the group member who had submitted the assessments.
Hi, I will be posting allocation of projects to groups on Monday. We have issues with group formation, some lab groups has 3 members. We have reallcoated these and uploaded a file for you to verify correct group information. If you can check this and report any inconsistency/issues to class email as a matter of urgency, this will expedite the process of making topics public.
Those people who have approval of topics shouldn't worry as their topic will be listed as approved. I have a number of papers and I will be allocating them Monday after 12.00 PM. So, your early response would be much appreciated.
Dear Students,
We all are are confused on the status of grading issues for various courses. We have been told hat in the next day or two we expect an email to students on gradings for this year to come out through the DVCA.
As for this course, I did run a poll regarding some options for replacing final exam but no decision will be made solely based on this poll and I am not including or precluding anything at this stage until the directive from DVCA is sent out. However, feel free to raise your concerns via Webcms Forum so that it can provide input into any final decisino for this subject.
======== following excerpt from a message from the PVC-E which may be helpful =====
-- yesterday we launched Transitioning to Online Learning site for our students. The website aims to support them through the challenge of shifting quickly from studying on campus to studying fully online.
The website provides useful advice, videos with student tips and resources focusing on getting set up, studying effectively, staying motivated and healthy, and maintaining academic integrity. They will also find key contacts for support and help on issues particularly relevant to the current situation.
I would encourage you to point your students to the new site, to ensure that they have realistic expectations of online learning and that they develop strategies to support their ongoing successful study. Our site will be included among the comprehensive lists of other support sites and mechanisms available to our students on the Current Students website (especially help and support ).
Hi, Could you please provide your input into a newly created poll regarding assessment change by noon tomorrow. I also welcome additional comments via Forum.
For your research topic, you may need to so some search on library database which may be hard to access off-campus. This came up as a query via email. I am seeking some help and so far, i got the following quick responses from my colleagues. If you find something else working, please share via Forum.
Add “.wwwproxy1.library.unsw.edu.au" after the database domain path. it will ask you for the zID and Password and then provide access. (e.g., for IEEE Explore the URL will be https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.wwwproxy1.library.unsw.edu.au/ )
Hope this helps…
I think the same, students also can use vpn: https://www.myit.unsw.edu.au/services/students/remote-access-vpn
Not sure if I remember correctly, but for me in order to make it work as expected I had to use vpn.unsw.edu.au/library endpoint (not the generic one, though it very well could be some other service that did not work).
Dear all,
Practical project specs from last year are now available. You can try that for your own learning.
The faculty asked for student feedback on how 20T1 assessment should be handled CSE' s new stureps kindly put together a survey at very short notice.
A link has been emailed to all students but it will help if you put a link to the survey on your class webpage. The link is::
The topics are essentially
a) what should replace the final exam
b) should we should use pass/fail instead of marks
There is also an open question, for general feedback on the move online and other topics.
The survey closes Sunday (tomorrow) midnight because faculty needs the feedback immediately.
Dear all,
You can access class quiz on Moodle, under the label "Week 5 - Class Quiz". It will be open from 20.03.2020 1215 hrs till 1300 hrs. You can also click here to access it: https://moodle.telt.unsw.edu.au/mod/quiz/view.php?id=2853791
A new link under Course Work called Research Report has been added today. We regret to advise that the project using Wifi-penetration testing will be discontinued due to the current crisis as it may require face-face interaction. However, we will release the specs from last year and students who have borrowed equipment can try these in their own time for learning experience. We will assign a tutor to help you with your queries (or support via forum). However, this will not be marked formally. I look forward to your quick concerns/comments on the draft specs so that we can deal with them in time.
As notified earlier, the quiz-1 will proceed as planned earlier except that you can take it online from anywhere. It covers Week-1 to Week-4 lectures (not labs). ToR and Guest lecture by Ralph-Holz is excluded.
Please make sure that you login to Moodle and complete the quiz at the specified hour as it will be closed after this 45 minutes. If anyone (esp. exchange student) is having issues attending the quiz, please get in touch with LIC. Special consideration conditions are applicable as usual.
Lecture recordings are directly linked under Lectures with a label Recording. I haven't given a link to Echo since we are editing the recordings to make it more compact and remove gaps etc. These are edited version form last year's lecture. I have a few additional foils but they come from my Cybok , explanatory notes are given in Cybok PDF. This will be done for Week-7 as well (and probably others as needed until we are able to do face-face lectures). For example, this week's lecture is at the following link
Dear all,
A new section for practical project has been created under resources section. You can find an instruction sheet that will help you in getting started with the project. Project details will be shared later on.
Dear all,
As you know we have shifted to online mode for conducting labs. We are using Microsoft Teams to conduct labs online and adding you to your respective lab session's team using your university email. You are required to join the respective team during your scheduled lab time. Your tutor will be moderating a meeting during lab hours, where you can discuss lab related issues on that forum.
Hi all,
Since we will be running Lab 4 in online mode, its important to get your systems ready.
In this lab, we will be using Wireshark to analyze some previously captured packet dumps. It is required that you install Wireshark in your systems. Please follow the link: https://www.wireshark.org/download.html <o:p></o:p> to install it.
In case you missed the Friday lecture we have announced online mode teaching for this week. Please keep an eye on notice/announcements. We will release this week's lab to be done without coming to UNSW, lecture for Tuesday will be a recorded version, Friday quiz can be taken remotely via Moodle. Week-6 is mid-term break. Hence, we have time to think about week-7 and future weeks. I am optimistic that students will be able to complete rest of this course in online mode if needed.
Please stay safe and practice good social distancing. If you find any issues with online mode, feel free to send emails, especially if you spot anything early that can be fixed.
Hi all,
If your group was not able to collect devices today, you can get one set next week. Please send an email to me at Uzma.Maroof@unsw.edu.au to decide a convenient time for device pickup.
At least one group member has to come for collection.
Hi all,
If your group was not able to collect devices today, you can get one set next week. Please send an email to me at Uzma.Maroof@unsw.edu.au to decide a convenient time for device pickup.
At least one group member has to come for collection.
Dear all,
Due to the recent events related to the COVID-19, we have decided to distribute devices today during class lecture (1200 - 1400 hrs). We are giving out one device per group. If one of your group member is around you are in campus please come to the lecture room to collect the devices.
You can also collect during lab sessions today in Lyre lab (1400 - 1600 hrs and 1600 - 1800 hrs).
For those who are unable to collect today, we will announce a collection day and time later on.
This will be held during the lecture time in Week-5 (Friday 20th March from 12.00 pm for 1 hour). There will be 25-30 questions to be answered within 40 minutes. It will be open-book but negative mark may apply. It covers material from It will cover lecture material from week1 to week4. Lab specific details excluded.
Please bring your laptop to be able to access Moodle. It will be supervised and all standard exam rules will be applicable. Students may be re-seated around the theatre by invigilation team. You must have your student Id, an attendance will be recorded.
No substitute quiz will be provided. For any special considerations please refer to subject outline.
Please send a request to class email if you have been approved for any special arrangement by disability support by COB 13 th Feb else we can't assure arrangements in place.
Dear All,
Lab 3 is scheduled next week (starting Mon 09.03.2020). The topic will be Man-in-The-Middle attacks and Evil Twin Access Point. Lab attendance is mandatory.
Dear all,
Please be advised that all students who have approved disability support letter from the university, must submit their letter through the "Disability Support" page available on moodle.
Please do that at the earliest, so that required arrangements could be done asap.
Hi all,
To submit Lab 1 please follow the link Resources > Labs > Week 2 Lab 1 > Instruction Sheet. You can find "Make Submissions" link at the top of the page.
Dear all,
Please note that Lab 2 is scheduled next week. Unlike, Lab 1, attendance is compulsory, your submission will only be assessed if you attend the lab with your assigned lab session.
Dear all,
Lab group selection is now available on Moodle. Please follow these steps:
1. Visit course page on Moodle https://moodle.telt.unsw.edu.au/course/view.php?id=48574 .
2. Go to "Lab group selection" activity
3. If your peer HAS NOT already chosen a group, Click "Become member of" for one of the groups with count 0/2, Communicate your group name to your peer. (Group names are random)
4. If your peer HAS already chosen a group, click "Become member of" for the same group.
Remember you can only choose a peer within same lab session.
If you are facing difficulty in finding a peer from your own lab, your lab tutor will help you finding group partner during your first lab.
Dear all,
Please note the following for Lab groups:
1. All labs need to be attempted in group.
2. Groups size is 2.
3. Students may only pick a partner from their own lab. So, both students in a group must be enrolled in the same lab.
4. Students cannot work on labs individually. Hence, GROUP membership is mandatory. Students who do not have a group will be matched randomly by the lab tutor during the lab.
5. The groups cannot be changed once made. Groups will be the same for all Labs.
6. We will soon provide you link to form lab group.
Any issues send an email to
or inform your lab tutor.
Dear all,
Lab 1 specs are now available. Please check under Labs in Course Resources.
For this lab you can opt to work in C or Python. Also check the provided skeleton code for help.
We had some glitch in lecture recording on Tuesday. I am trying to work on it and this will be fixed by early next week. However, first part was pretty much repeat of outline, you can listen to them without foils. I will see if I can Synch technical parts using some tools. For students who are stranded O/S due to travel ban, this course will not be offered in online mode due to labs and other hands-on components. Those students who are unable to attend from week-3 may have to discontinue. This is rather unfortunate and I full empathise with your predicament.
I am told that ECHO recordings are accessible from overseas. I believe this can also be accessed via Moodle if the WebCMS link doesn't work for some people. If you have trouble, may ask seek help from IT support. itservicecentre@unsw.edu.au
Dear All,
Please be advised that labs do not run every week. Hence, although we have the labs booked for the course the entire trimester, you will not have a lab each week. Of course, you are welcome to use the labs for studying, doing assignments, etc (might be more useful further down the road).
Labs will be notified in advance, please follow the notices area on WebCMS2 closely.
Also note, there are not tutorials in this course.
Dear All,
Welcome to Securing Fixed and Wireless Networks, 2020 (or, SFWN'20)!
This is a short message to let you know that we are in the process of preparing the Webcms page for this course.
- We have put a draft version of the course outline on the home page. Please have a look to get an idea of what to expect in this course. However, the course structure is undergoing revision and the final version will be made available by Monday, 17 of Feb.
While we start, I would like you to refer to a short introduction to network security that I wrote recently for the UK based CYBOK. A lot of this in expanded form will be covered in this course.
While the course content will be uploaded gradually during the term, the following webinar and corresponding Network Security Knowledge area will give you a good overview of what this course is about. The class is full and there are several students waiting in the queue. Please have a look at the outline and make a judgement whether this is the right course for you. If you have already covered these topics elsewhere, it may be in your best interest to take another elective and make room for other students.
Eagerly waiting to see you in the class.
Lecturer-in-charge COMP4337/9337
Sanjay Jha, PhD
Professor, Networked Systems and Security Research Lab (NetSys)
University Lead, Cybersecurity CRC
Director Cybersecurity and Privacy Research Lab (Cyspri)
School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of New South Wales, Sydney
NSW 2052, Australia