
  • Congratulations !

    Posted by Uzma Maroof 3 years ago.

    Dear All,

    Congratulations to those who have successfully completed the course. The overall class average was 72% with a standard deviation of 9.3. Highest marks in the final exam are 47/60 with an average of 29 marks.

    Special congratulations to following 7 students for scoring HD grade, with Yifan Wang at the top of the class with 89% marks:

    1. Yifan Wang

    2. Dawei Wu

    3. Nicholas Lawrence-Palmer

    4. Lloyd Richardson

    5. Daria Schumm

    6. Lachlan Stewart

    7. Samuel Perrone

    23 students successfully scored DN, while 27 completed with CR and 13 students with PS.

    Congratulation once again! And I sincerely hope that you will use your knowledge and wisdom to make a better society.

    Pro Sanjay Jha - LIC

  • Handwritten solutions only

    Posted by Uzma Maroof 3 years ago.

    Hi all,

    Please note that for the final exam only handwritten solutions are acceptable. No typing is allowed, however any digital or pen/paper handwriting is fine. It has to be handwritten

    Hope this clarifies.



  • Final exam link

    Posted by Uzma Maroof 3 years ago.

    Hi all,

    Here is the link to Final Exam on Moodle. Currently it is password protected, which will be removed few moments before the start of the exam.

    Good luck,


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