
  • Materials on Google Drives

    Posted by Omar Al-Ghattas Tuesday 27 August 2019, 02:03:51 PM, last modified Tuesday 27 August 2019, 02:16:53 PM.

    Dear Students,

    I will be removing access to the google drives for lecture/tutorial/homework etc materials on Sunday night (1st September). If you would like a copy of the material to keep for yourself, please make sure to download them before then.

    Update: To make it easier to download I've put them all in one folder accessible HERE

  • Exam Issues and Feedback

    Posted by Michael Bain Tuesday 20 August 2019, 01:53:36 PM.

    A number of issues on the Q&A forum have been raised regarding the final exam. Some of these are about possible errors on the paper, others about the design of the questions and concerns about the marking. We will make all efforts to address these and ensure the assessment is fair and reasonable.

    In the meantime, if you have specific queries or concerns please email the LiC or course admin and we will address them for you, rather than further posts on the forum.

  • Homework 2 update

    Posted by Michael Bain Monday 19 August 2019, 12:21:06 PM.

    Although most of your submissions have been correctly auto-marked, it appears that some submission files were corrupted during auto-marking. We're working to fix this and will update you as soon as that happens.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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