The seating allocation for the final exam is here .
Please let us know ASAP if there are any problems.
The COMP9444 Final Exam will be on Friday 10th November, in the CSE Labs.
The morning session will be form 10:15 to 12:35 (including reading time).
The afternoon session will be from 12:20 to 15:20 (including corralling and reading time). An approved UNSW Calculator is permitted.
More details about the timing can be found by clicking
. It also includes an option to express a preference for the morning or afternoon session (until 5pm on Wednesday 1st November).
hw3 - Deep Reinforcement Learning, has now been released. Please also check the updated FAQ for Assignment 2.
The Submission deadline for Stage 2 of Assignment 2 (hw2sent) has been extended by one week, to Sunday 15 October. The deadline for Stage 1 (hw2) remains as it was, Sunday 8 October.
We have made some small changes to the Stage 2 files in order to handle dropout. Please see
for details, and make sure you download the new files (from
Reminder - due to the Labour Day Public Holiday there will be NO Lecture or Lab on Monday of Week 10 (October 2). The Labs on Tuesday and Thursday of Week 10 will go ahead as usual.
Click on Assignments under the Course Work menu to the left.
As mentioned in the lecture, today's Lab Consultation (Thursday, Week 3) is cancelled because the tutors and I are all busy at the ICML Workshops.
Lab Consultation sessions will be offered in Weeks 2-9, 10-13 at these times and locations:
These sessions are not compulsory, but you can use them to ask questions about the course material, exercises, assignments, etc, and to get help with installing software such as TensorFlow on your laptop.
The first lecture for this course will be on Monday 24 July, 2017 at 6pm, in the Ritchie Theatre.