
  • Group Project Marks Released

    Posted by Sonit Singh 3 months ago.

    Dear Students,

    The group project marks has been released and you can view them via the give system.

    or you can also check from below link.

    The final project marks are scaled based on the peer assessment. There are many team members who showed concern about other members lower contribution and lack of participation in meetings, writing code, report writing, making slides, and overall working as a team member. We have gone through each of the submitted peer review form and scaled marks.

    Please note that mentors and teaching staff have done all checks to make sure we have accurate marking, so no further change in marks is possible. However, if you think there is a calculation issue or you got zero mark for particular component due to missing file or no submission, please send an email to and we will follow it.

    We are working hard in finalising the final exam marks as we need to finalise everything by 08 December, 2024.

    Kind regards,


  • Final Exam Today

    Posted by Sonit Singh 3 months ago.

    Dear Students,

    COMP9444 Final Exam is Today (26 Nov 2024) at 2 pm. Few important things:

    • Make sure your laptop is fully charged before coming to the exam.
    • Make sure you have installed Safe Exam Browser (SEB) on your laptop.
    • Bring some form of identification, preferable UNSW ID card.
    • Bring pen and UNSW approved calculator
    • Make a note of the allocated exam room. Please check your email. If you have any issues finding the allocated room, please send an email to and we will send you the details.
    • Arrive 20 mins prior to the start of the exam.
    • Remember: Exam invigilators are your best contact during the exam. If you have any question, please raise with them. Alan and I will be monitoring channels and respond quickly.

    You can find detailed instructions from the following post:

    Wishing you all the best for the exam! Believe in yourself, keep calm, and you'll do great!

    Kind regards,

    COMP9444 Teaching Team

  • myExperience Survey Closing today

    Posted by Sonit Singh 3 months ago.

    Dear Students,

    Thanks to everyone those who have filled the myExperience survey for COMP9444.As of today, we got 40% participation rate.

    Those who have not submitted yet, could you please fill the myExperience Survey as it is closing today. We need at least 50% participation rate to mean meaningful and statistical sense of the survey.

    Please log into or to Moodle course page and fill in the survey.

    Kind regards,


Upcoming Due Dates

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