
  • Week 8

    Posted by Yang Song 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Just a reminder to update the project slides in Teams for our Monday discussion, and also similarly for the project discussion in Week 9.

    I will upload the specifications for Assignments 3 and 4 here on Monday morning.

  • Week 7

    Posted by Yang Song 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Due to some changes, we'll have the industry talk in Week 8 instead (Monday 17 July, 2-3pm). On Monday next week, we'll have the project discussion and I'll give a short lecture on various types of learning paradigms. Slides will be uploaded here on Monday morning.

  • Marks and Week 7

    Posted by Yang Song 2 years ago.

    Hi all,

    The marks for assignments 1 and 2 have been released and can be obtained via give. Let me know if you have trouble retrieving it.

    In Week 7, on Monday, we'll first have a one-hour invited talk from industry, who will showcase some interesting applications with generative AI. In the second hour, we'll do the regular project discussion. Please update your project slides in Teams (the one we used in Week 3), which will guide us through the discussion. Wednesday will be the regular tutor consultation sessions.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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