
  • Presentations

    Posted by Yang Song 7 months ago.

    Hi all, in case there was any confusion, the presentations next week should be recorded and uploaded to your Teams channel by 5pm Monday, together with the presentation slides. Marking will be based on the recorded presentations. We'll watch the recordings before Wednesday, and the Q&A session on Wednesday is mainly to give you feedback. We might also have questions so your answers would help clarify them, which will make it easier for us to mark both the presentations and final reports.

  • Assignments

    Posted by Yang Song 8 months ago.

    Hi everyone, I've released the marks for Assignments 1 and 2. You can check them via give. Let me know if there's any issue accessing the marks. I'll also post some feedback for Assignment 2 in your Teams channel.

    Just a reminder that for next three weeks, we'll have lectures on Monday and consultations on Wednesday.

  • Presentations

    Posted by Yang Song 9 months ago.

    Hi all, for the Wednesday presentations, we'll just follow the alphabetical order of group names. Each group will have maximum 6 minutes for the presentation followed by 2 minutes Q&A.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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