
  • Assignments

    Posted by Yang Song Tuesday 02 July 2024, 03:17:16 PM.

    Hi everyone, I've released the marks for Assignments 1 and 2. You can check them via give. Let me know if there's any issue accessing the marks. I'll also post some feedback for Assignment 2 in your Teams channel.

    Just a reminder that for next three weeks, we'll have lectures on Monday and consultations on Wednesday.

  • Presentations

    Posted by Yang Song Friday 21 June 2024, 10:16:56 AM.

    Hi all, for the Wednesday presentations, we'll just follow the alphabetical order of group names. Each group will have maximum 6 minutes for the presentation followed by 2 minutes Q&A.

  • Group channels

    Posted by Yang Song Thursday 13 June 2024, 10:25:12 AM.

    Hi all, I've created your group channels in Teams and added your tutors as well. From next week, there will be dedicated project consultation sessions with your tutors, as indicated in the course outline. For this week, it will be just ad-hoc consultations that you can organise.

    For submitting Assignment 1, just upload a PDF file into your Teams channel, under "Files".

  • Week 3

    Posted by Yang Song Tuesday 11 June 2024, 11:49:24 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    You should have received a Teams meeting link for Wednesday tomorrow. With the light rail strike, I think let's all just meet online. I'll follow the order of slides in the Project Group file to have some discussion with each group. You can also listen to other groups' topics during the session. If any of you hasn't found a group, this would be useful for you to identify some potential groups to join too. See you then.

  • Project topics

    Posted by Yang Song Wednesday 05 June 2024, 04:15:50 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Please note that assignment specs have been uploaded here under "Assessments".

    During the Wednesday lecture next week, we'll discuss about your project ideas, before you submit the proposal on Friday. For this discussion, please make sure that each group insert one or more slides into the Project Groups file in Teams, before the Wednesday lecture. Also, please enter your group information into the spreadsheet , so that I can start allocating tutors.

  • Week 1

    Posted by Yang Song Wednesday 29 May 2024, 11:06:09 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    Prof Morri is not well today so we have swapped the lectures: I'll do the lecture today (Wednesday Week 1) and Morri will do the lecture on Monday Week 2. Lecture slides for today have been uploaded here.

  • Week 1

    Posted by Yang Song Monday 27 May 2024, 12:22:47 PM, last modified Monday 27 May 2024, 12:23:09 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Please note that lecture slides for today have been uploaded here under "Lectures".

    The main task to do now is to form your project groups, by Week 2. Please keep updating the initial survey spreadsheet and your project slides , which should be useful during this process. You can also use the Teams group ("Discussion" channel) to start some discussions.

  • Welcome to COMP9491

    Posted by Yang Song Wednesday 22 May 2024, 10:13:56 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    Welcome to the course COMP9491: Applied AI.

    We will use WebCMS3 as the main platform, and all lectures and project consultation sessions will be in person in J17 G02. You will also be invited to an MS Teams group soon, which will be used to create channels for individual groups. The Teams channels will mainly be used for assignment submission and keeping track of project updates. Lecture recordings will be accessible via Echo360. We will provide more information during the first lecture. Lecture slides for Week 1 will be uploaded here on Monday.

    We hope you will have a great learning experience. If you have any feedback about the course, please feel free to let us know anytime throughout the term (email:

    Looking forward to meeting you all on Monday.

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