
  • More marks released

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Tuesday 29 November 2016, 03:48:00 PM.

    Some mark components have been released, as usual check via Timetable link or sturec.

  • provisional results released

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 28 November 2016, 03:13:47 PM, last modified Monday 28 November 2016, 03:15:13 PM.

    The provisional marks and ranks are available via sms now, using the “classrun” (give) command.

    It is also available via webcms3- you can check via the Timetable link on the left.

    Select either 1PGA or 1UGA as appropriate.

    Select the “marks” icon against your name.

    Do note that these results are provisional only.

  • Submitting the Source Codes

    Posted by Gihan Samarasinghe Thursday 27 October 2016, 04:35:59 PM.

    Dear all,

    When you submit the project files along with the final project report, try to include links to common library files (eg: OpenCV libraries) in building scripts (eg: make files) instead of including them in the submission archive (zip), in order to reduce the upload size.


  • NEW REMINDER on myExperience Course Survey

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Tuesday 25 October 2016, 12:48:05 PM, last modified Thursday 27 October 2016, 02:43:31 PM.

    The myExperience survey is closing soon.

    Thanks to all who have completed the myExperience Survey for this course.

    If you have not completed this survey yet:

    There are notices in Moodle for the course and you would have also received an email from myExperience . These will contain links to the your personalised myExperience homepage where you can complete your survey.

    Your constructive feedback and suggestions will be very much appreciated. Hope you will complete this NOW.

    Kind regards

    Arcot Sowmya

  • Submission of project code and final report

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 24 October 2016, 11:10:56 AM, last modified Monday 24 October 2016, 11:34:24 AM.

    Online submission for project code and final report has been set up.

    Go to Lectures/Assessment/Final Project Code and Report Submission

    You should submit 2 files:

    (i) a zip file containing all your code and including a README file containing information of expected environment to run your code and

    (ii) the final report file in pdf format (with extension .pdf).

    Deadline for submission of the files is Friday Oct 28th, 17:00:00 .

    For final demo in the lab on Monday Oct 24th, prior submission of files is not necessary.

  • Week 13 Final Project Demo TENTATIVE SCHEDULE released

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Thursday 20 October 2016, 03:03:49 PM, last modified Thursday 20 October 2016, 03:04:58 PM.

    The tentative schedule for week 13 final project demos has been posted at:

    Lectures-Assessment-Week 13 Project Demo-cum-Presentation : TENTATIVE SCHEDULE

    Do check that your (group) name appears and that you can attend at the allotted slot .


    at once by EMAIL in case of any error.

  • Project Interim Marks released

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Tuesday 18 October 2016, 01:52:46 PM, last modified Tuesday 18 October 2016, 01:54:11 PM.

    The projectinterim marks are available via sms now, using the “classrun” (give) command.

    It will become available via webcms3 on Wednesday Oct 19th- you can check via the Timetable link on the left.

    Select either 1PGA or 1UGA as appropriate.

    Select the “marks” icon against your name.

  • Formatting of Project Final Reports

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 17 October 2016, 06:10:22 PM.

    The project final report should be in the IEEE 2 column format. THIS IS A STRICT REQUIREMENT.

    Further information, including templates, may be found at:

    It is recommended that you use the templates for Transactions, which is the first set of templates at the link.

  • REMINDER on myExperience Course Survey

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 17 October 2016, 05:37:22 PM.

    Time was set aside today in class for completing this survey.

    If you have not completed this survey yet:

    There are notices in Moodle for the course and you would have also received an email from myExperience . These will contain links to the your personalised myExperience homepage where you can complete your survey.

    Your constructive feedback and suggestions will be very much appreciated. Hope you will complete this NOW.

    Kind regards

    Arcot Sowmya

  • Week 13 Demo Slots- constraints

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 17 October 2016, 05:01:02 PM, last modified Monday 17 October 2016, 05:01:54 PM.

    As you know, the final project demos will run from 1 PM onwards on Monday Oct 24th. We shall put up a tentative schedule by the end of the week. It is assumed that all are available from 3-6 PM, which is the regular lecture and lab time. If you are NOT available during 1-3 PM or later than 6 PM, kindly email BEFORE 5 PM Wed Oct 19th.

    If your demo needs a venue different from the lab, then also kindly send email to the address above by the same deadline.

    A single email per group is enough.

  • MyExperience Survey

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Friday 14 October 2016, 11:49:32 AM.

    Dear COMP 9517 students

    This semester UNSW is introducing the myExperience course and teaching survey, which will replace the CATEI survey for lots of courses.

    We want to hear what you thought of this course. Your responses are completely confidential and no students are identified. Tell us what you think and give us a grade!

    Why is this happening?

    myExperience has a number of great benefits, including:

    • Say goodbye to paper! myExperience is a fully online platform with improved user experience on any device.
    • Fewer, more targeted questions focussed on learning communities, feedback, teaching and digital education.
    • Links in Moodle to your personalised survey homepage.
    • Less email! Intelligent software that only emails you if you haven’t finished your surveys
    • Closing the feedback loop – we are looking at the best ways of letting you know how we have acted on your feedback. and hope you will see improvements there early next year

    What do I need to do?

    We will be setting aside a time on Monday Oct 17th during lecture time to complete the survey in class. In the meantime, you can also check out this video about how to complete the survey. myExperience is being phased in gradually and some courses will still use CATEI. Please complete each of the surveys you receive.

    Don’t miss your opportunity to make your voice heard and give us a grade!

    Kind Regards

    Arcot Sowmya

  • REMINDER Week 12 Lecture

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Friday 14 October 2016, 11:42:54 AM.

    In week 12, we have a guest lecture on industrial applications of computer vision (see earlier notice on this). This will be from 3.05-3.55 PM.

    This will be followed by a lecture by Dr Yang Wang from Data61 (slides already included in week 11 slide pack).

    See you all there.

  • Test marks released

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Tuesday 11 October 2016, 05:02:37 PM, last modified Tuesday 11 October 2016, 05:14:07 PM.

    The test marks are available in webcms3, which uses the “classrun” (give) command.

    You can check via the Timetable link on the left.

    Select either 1PGA or 1UGA as appropriate.

    Select the “marks” icon against your name.

  • Week 12 Invited Guest Lecture DO NOT MISS

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Tuesday 11 October 2016, 11:27:45 AM.

    On Oct 17th, 3:05 PM, we have an invited guest lecture by Robin Hilliard, Chief Technology Officer, RocketBoots Pty Limited,. The company is a Sydney-based software company producing several computer vision products, and the speaker is a very talented software architect with a deep and long-standing interest in computer vision and its applications.

    Some interesting application areas that Rocketboots is involved with include video surveillance, person detection and tracking, anomaly detection, and hyperparameter optimisation.

    The topic of the guest lecture is Computer Vision challenges in industry, including some case studies.


  • Week 13 Project Demo-cum-Presentation

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 10 October 2016, 06:16:20 PM.

    Instructions for the week 13 project demo-cum-presentation have been posted under

    Lectures-Asessment-Week 13 Project Demo-cum-Presentation

  • Week 10 Project Interim Report Submission

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Friday 07 October 2016, 01:09:18 PM, last modified Monday 10 October 2016, 05:34:07 PM.

    Online submission for Project Part 2 Interim Report is now working. This is for archival purposes only. The already submitted hard copy reports will be marked.

    You should submit a report file in pdf format (with extension .pdf). File size is set to 500K. Do let us know if there is any problem with submission.

    Deadline for submission of files is close to midnight on Monday Oct 10th (23:59:59).

    The submission mechanism has now been fixed and time extdend to Tuesday Oct 11th (23:00:00)

  • Week 10 Friday Presentations- REMINDER on slides

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Wednesday 05 October 2016, 05:05:12 PM.

    Student groups presenting this Friday are reminded to bring their Powerpoint slides on a thumbdrive, and to load them on the class computer before and during breaks. Kindly do NOT leave them on your google drive (or similar) with the plan of downloading in class. This adds to delays, and with many presentations scheduled on Friday, this will not be possible.

  • Week 10 Presentation Schedule (tentative)

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Wednesday 28 September 2016, 03:53:37 PM, last modified Wednesday 28 September 2016, 03:55:36 PM.

    The tentative schedule for week 10 presentations has been posted at:

    Lectures-Assessment-Week 10 Presentation Schedule (tentative)

    Do check that your (group) name appears and under the correct day and time already chosen by you.

    Contact me at once by EMAIL in case of any error.

  • REMINDER Project Part 2 Interim Presentation in WEEK 10

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Tuesday 20 September 2016, 03:03:36 PM.

    A reminder on the upcoming week 10 presentations:

    1. Make sure you are signed up for one of the presentation slots in week 10- choose a slot that BOTH group members can attend. If you do not sign up, your group will be allotted to any available slot.

    2. Read the instructions already posted on the presentation and report requirements. The requirements will be strictly enforced.

    3. Utilise the remaining time to make progress on your project. Your presentation should include any preliminary results achieved on your project.

    4. Online forum consultations will continue to be available, do make use of them.

  • Project Part 1 marks released

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Tuesday 20 September 2016, 02:57:04 PM.

    The Project Part1 marks are available in webcms3, which uses the “classrun” (give) command.

    You can check via the Timetable link on the left.

    Select either 1PGA or 1UGA as appropriate.

    Select the “marks” icon against your name.


    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 19 September 2016, 08:14:07 AM.

    A reminder that the class test will be held in class TODAY, (Monday Sept 19th), in regular classroom and starting at 3.05 PM.

  • REMINDER Sign up for week 10 presentations

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 12 September 2016, 10:18:41 AM.

    A reminder for groups to sign up for week 10 presentation slots- go through the Groups link on the left.

  • Requirements for Part 2 Interim Presentation

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Friday 09 September 2016, 01:58:12 PM, last modified Friday 09 September 2016, 04:55:03 PM.

    Details of what to do between now and week 10 on the project, and requirements of Interim presentation in week 10, have been posted. Follow link from Lectures-Assessment-Part 2 Interim Presentation in week 10

  • Project Part 2- week 10 presentation

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Tuesday 06 September 2016, 02:16:35 PM, last modified Wednesday 07 September 2016, 07:04:45 AM.

    Preliminary presentations on Project part 2 are scheduled for week 10. As the Monday is a public holiday, presentations will be held from Tuesday - Friday Oct 4 - 7.

    You are required to choose your presentation slot out of the available slots. To do so, goto Groups, and add your name to one of:






    Only one member of each group needs to register, but make sure that the slot suits BOTH of you.

    The venues are also specified under each group, do note it.

  • Sample projects for Part 2

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 05 September 2016, 06:57:00 PM, last modified Monday 05 September 2016, 06:57:43 PM.

    Some sample projects for Part 2 have been uploaded. Kindly see under

    Lectures-Assessments- Part 2 Sample Projects

  • Project Part 1 test images released

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 05 September 2016, 04:59:04 PM.

    Look under Lectures > Assessment > for test images for Project Part 1.

  • Online submission for Project Part 1

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Saturday 03 September 2016, 01:04:28 PM.

    Online submission for Project Part 1 is now working. You should submit 2 files at the same time: a program file (with extension .java or .py or .c or .cpp or .zip) and a report file in pdf format (with extension .pdf). File size for each file is set to 500K. Do let us know if there is any problem with submission.

    Deadline for submission of files is close to midnight on the due date (Monday Sept 5th, 23:59:59).

    For the demo (sameday 5-6 PM), prior submission of files is not necessary (though of course you may submit if ready)

  • Instructions for Part 1 demo

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Friday 02 September 2016, 01:22:34 PM, last modified Friday 02 September 2016, 01:26:35 PM.

    Instructions for Part 1 demo have been posted, check under Lectures-Assessment-Part 1 Demo

  • Assignment marks released

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 29 August 2016, 03:55:32 PM, last modified Monday 29 August 2016, 03:55:55 PM.

    The assignment marks are available in webcms3, which uses the “classrun” (give) command.

    You can check via the Timetable link on the left.

    Select either 1PGA or 1UGA as appropriate.

    Select the “marks” icon against your name.

  • On forming a project group

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Friday 19 August 2016, 04:23:34 PM.

    Do try and form your own project group, and use the forum to connect.

    The lab session on Monday Aug 22nd, may also be used to connect and form groups. Tutors will be present and assist.

  • Create your "Group" for the project

    Posted by Banafsheh Pazokifard Friday 19 August 2016, 11:08:55 AM.

    Dear all,

    For the "Group Project", you need to find a partner and register your group. To do that, follow the instructions below:

    Click on "Groups" (you can find it on the left panel) >>> Click on "+Create" >>> Choose a sensible name! for your group >>> Choose the "Group Type" as "Group Project" >>> Click on the "Create" button.

    Now your group has only one member, You! To add a partner to your group:

    Click on "Groups" (on the left panel) >>> Click on your already created group >>> Click on "Edit" >>> Look for the "Group Members" (at bottom of the page) and add your partner >>> Do not forget to "Save".

  • Project Specifications Released

    Posted by Banafsheh Pazokifard Thursday 18 August 2016, 11:11:15 PM.

    Dear all,

    Project Spec has been released.

    You can find at Lectures > Assessment > Project Specifications.

  • More on Assignment files submission

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 15 August 2016, 06:01:54 PM.

    For the program file, I have now added .zip extension also.

    For the report (pdf) file, the file size has not been increased. If necessary, you may strip the images off before submission, or email the file to me. The hard copy handed to the tutor may include images.

  • Assignment1, Test Images

    Posted by Banafsheh Pazokifard Monday 15 August 2016, 04:28:50 PM.

    Dear all,

    Test Images for Assignment1 has been released. You can find them at Lectures > Assessment > Assignment1, Test Images

  • Online submission for Assignment 1- now working

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 15 August 2016, 01:55:16 PM.

    Online submission for assignment 1 is now working. You should submit 2 files: a program file (with extension .java or .py or .c) and a report file in pdf format (with extension .pdf). Do let us know if there is still any problem with submission.

    Deadline for submission of files has been extended to close to midnight tonight (Monday Aug 15th, 23:59:59).

    For the demo in the lab from 5-6 PM, prior submission of files is not necessary (though of course you may submit if ready).

  • Online submission for assignment 1

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 15 August 2016, 12:21:47 PM.

    The online submission for assignment 1 is still not available, my apologies. It is being tested and we shall announce when it is ready. Additional time will be made available if necessary for submitting the files.

    For the demo this afternoon, online submission is not necessary, as you will be demo'ing your program from your own account or laptop.

  • Echo360 Link

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Monday 08 August 2016, 02:42:52 PM.

    An error in the link to Echo360 recordings has been fixed. To access, go to

    Lectures-Echo360 Recordings

  • Forum Consultation - on Assignment 1

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya Tuesday 02 August 2016, 01:42:23 PM.

    You may now post your queries on Assignment via the links: Forums-Lectures-Assessment-Assignment 1 (see left panel).

    While tutors will endeavour to answer as quickly as possible, please allow 24 hours to elapse before reposting.

  • Assignment 1 Released

    Posted by Banafsheh Pazokifard Monday 01 August 2016, 03:31:28 PM.

    Dear all,

    Assignment 1 has been released. You can find at Lectures > Assessment > Assignment1.

  • Welcome

    Posted by Banafsheh Pazokifard Friday 22 July 2016, 03:06:35 PM.

    Welcome to COMP 9517 Computer Vision.

    The first lecture will be held on Monday, July 25th, 3 - 6 PM.

    Venue is Ainswth202.

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