Provisional results have been released, including the provisional final mark and provisional rank.
Kindly submit the Final Project report and Code here, Assessment → Final Stage→ Group Report and Code Submission, on or before 27/10/2017 5 :00 PM .
Also submit the Individual Report here, Assessment → Final Stage→ Individual Report Submission, on or before 27/10/2017 5 :00 PM .
Please find the order of presentation for the final demo to be held on 26/10/2017 here, Assessments→Final Stage→Final Demo Order.
Kindly click on the link below to access the Quiz:
You may have to login to your UNSW Email to access the Quiz.
Today, we have 2 invited talks on building vision systems in industry:
1. Dr Jeroen Vendrig, Research Manager, Image Understanding theme, Canon Research Lab, (CiSRA), Sydney
2. Robin
Hilliard, Founder and CTO, RocketBoots Pty Limited, Sydney
Do attend and hear about the challenges and opportunities in industry.
Quiz 5 will be held this Thursday Oct 19th, from 5.05 -5.15 PM.
If you bring your own device, venue is the classroom Ainsworth 202.
If you require a lab computer, go to the labs.
Material taught in weeks 10 and 11 is assessable.
The instructions are available under, Assessments →Final Stage →Project Demo and Final Report Instructions.
The myExperience course survey is open, via email and a link in Moodle.
This is your chance to tell us about your experience of learning and teaching at UNSW. The survey is confidential and teaching staff do not know your identity. Survey reports are not released until results have been officially published - so your feedback cannot have an impact on the results. Your feedback matters - the only way we can improve what we do, or keep doing the good things we do, is by knowing what you think.
To complete the survey:
The teaching team of COMP 9517 would appreciate your feedback via the myExperience survey.
The quiz 4 marks are available in webcms3,
Timetable →
Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate) accordingly →
Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
Kindly click on the link below to access the Quiz:
You may have to login to your UNSW Email to access the Quiz.
Week 10 lecture topic is 3-D Vision (swapped with week 11) and will be given by Dr Yang Wang from Data61.
Week 11 lecture topic will be Recognition.
Quiz 4 will be held this Thursday Oct 5th, from 5.05 -5.15 PM.
If you bring your device, venue is the classroom Ainsworth 202.
If you require a lab computer, go to the labs.
Material taught in weeks 7 and 8 is assessable.
The quiz 3 marks are available in webcms3,
Timetable →
Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate) accordingly →
Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
Kindly use the form below to provide constructive feedback to your peers.
The forms will be open from 3PM today until 5PM tomorrow.
The project stage 2 group presentations will take place on Thursday Sept 21st, 3.05 PM onwards in class.
presentation slides should be submitted by 11.59 AM (just before noon) on the day
, and we shall have them uploaded on the class computer. This is to avoid wasting time with thumb drives, google docs etc on the day. We have a tight schedule and cannot allow extra time for this purpose. Do use a recognisable file name (not just presentation.pptx for example)s, so that it does not clash with another group's presentation. If you have not submitted your presentation file in time, your group's presentation may be moved to the end, in order not to delay other presentations.
The associated report MUST be submitted online by Thursday 21st, 11.59 PM (close to midnight), see notice posted already. Hard copy of the report, if ready, may be handed in during the presentations, this is optional.
Every group member MUST be present for their group's presentation . One or more speakers from the group may present, however all members should be there on the stage and ready to take questions.
All are encouraged to attend ALL presentations and provide feedback to your peers. In addition, every student MUST provide formal PEER feedback to AT LEAST 5 other groups- an online form will be made available for this purpose tomorrow.
Providing peer feedback is an assessable task, with marks attached.
Kindly refer to the order of presentation for tomorrow here, Course Work → Assessments → Project Stage 2 → Presentation Order.
Kindly submit the Interim Project report here, Assessment → Project Stage 2 → Interim Report Submission, on or before 21/09/2017 11:59 PM(Midnight) .
Also submit your Presentation Slides here, Assessment → Project Stage 2 → Interim Presentation Slides Submission, on or before 21/09/2017 11:59 AM (Midday) to avoid the hassle of copying the Slides into the classroom system.
Students will not be permitted to load the Presentation Slides in the classroom.
Kindly click on the link below to access the Quiz:
You may have to login to your UNSW Email to access the Quiz.
Quiz 3 tomorrow will test material from only weeks 5 and 6.
Quiz 3 will be held this Thursday Sept 14th, from 5.05 -5.15 PM.
If you bring your device, venue is the classroom Ainsworth 202.
If you require a lab computer, go to the labs.
The presentation and report guidelines for project Stage 2 specification have been released. The presentations will be held during class time in WEEK 9, ie Sept 21st.
Sample project descriptions have also been released, which may serve as inspiration for your group project. You are also welcome to scope out a different project altogether, subject to guidelines.
The original project specifications have been updated to correct a discrepancy in deadline, see version 2 of the project specs,.
You can access the Stage 2 Specifications and Previous year best projects here, Course Work → Assessments → Project Stage 2.
The Assignment marks and Feedback on your report are available in webcms3,
Timetable →
Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate) accordingly →
Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
Look under Assessments.
A reminder that all project groups should be registered under Groups, by 12 noon tomorrow (Friday 8th Sept).
Students not in registered groups by the deadline will be ASSIGNED to groups on Friday afternoon.
Note that GROUP SIZE is 3. Any groups of a different size will be split or merged as necessary.
Kindly submit your Project Stage 1 reports here, Course Work → Assessments → Project → Report and Code Submission.
Project Stage 2 Group Formation: Kindly form 3 member groups and register your group in webCMS3 on or before Friday 8th September.
The quiz 2 marks are available in webcms3,
Timetable →
Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate) accordingly →
Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
Quiz 3 will be held in WEEK 8, due to Project Stage 1 assessment also scheduled in week 7.
Quiz 3 will examine
material taught in weeks 5 and 6 only.
Week 6 Slides are now available under Lectures. The topic is Deep Learning for Vision.
The project specifications and Video samples are now available under, Course Work → Assessments → Project
The lab will continue after the quiz until 5:55 PM in the same venues.
The activity for today’s lab can be viewed here, Course Work → Lab Activities → Week 5
The Quiz 2 LINK is now OPEN.
Kindly click on the link below to access the Quiz:
You may have to login to your UNSW Email to access the Quiz.
Time : Thursday (24/8/2017).
Duration :10 minutes, from 5.05 to 5.15 PM (during lab hour).
Format : Combination of multiple-choice and short answer questions .
Venue :
IF YOU BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (eg. laptop, iPad, ...), venue is Regular class room ( Ainsworth 202 ).
OTHERWISE, venue is any of the labs Clavier, Organ, Piano in K14 (under Physics Th).
At end of quiz, lab session will be held in the same venues.
All material taught in class during weeks 3 and 4 will be tested for quiz 2 in week 5 (24/8/2017).
The quiz 1 marks are available in webcms3,
Timetable →
Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate) accordingly →
Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
Please find the test samples here, Course Work → Assessments → Assessment 1 → Test Samples.
The assignment demonstration will be done today after regular class.
Time : 5:05 PM
Venue : Clavier, Organ, Piano in K14, under Physics Theatre.
Note: The test samples will be released just before the demonstration begins.
You can now submit the report for the first assessment here, Course Work → Assessments → Assessment 1 → Report Submission.
Deadline : Thursday, 17th August, before 11:00 PM.
The Venue has been changed to : Kens K17 Lv4 403 Consultation Room
Sorry for the trouble!
Tutors are available for consultation, the next two days!
Time : 12:30PM - 1:30 PM
Date : 15/8/2017 and 16/8/2017
Venue : Kens K17 Gnd G01 Consultation Room
Kindly make use of this opportunity to clarify your doubts regarding the assignment.
The lab will continue after the quiz until 5:55 PM in the same venues.
You can continue working on your first assignment.
The tutors are here to assist you with any doubts you have.
Lab exercise: identify the transforms that are applicable to Tasks 1, 2 and 3.
Work on them.
Kindly click on the link below to access the Quiz:
You may have to login to your UNSW Email to access the Quiz.
The ONLINE quiz TODAY can be taken EITHER in the classroom itself (Ainsworth 202) OR in the labs ( Clavier, Organ, Piano in K14, under Physics Th).
If you bring your own device, you may stay in the classroom. If you require a lab computer, you should of course go to the labs.
PLEASE BE SEATED and logged into your university mail system as well as the WebCMS3 course page BY 5 PM. The lecture will end by 4.45 PM, to allow you time to get to the labs if necessary.
The link to the quiz will be posted on the webcms3 course page at 5PM.You will be able to access the link from 5:05 PM onwards (quiz start time).
I have started adding an interesting paper to read each week, under Lectures-Additional Resources. These usually are popular treatments of a visual phenomenon or extended treatment of a classical algorithm or topic.
Do read and enjoy!
In week 3, we shall continue with the spatial domain techniques begun in week 2 (slides under Lectures-Week 2). Slides for the next topic have also been uploaded under Lectures-Week 3
Starting week 3, lab session will be held on Thursdays 5.05 PM onwards, or just after the quiz during quiz weeks.
Labs Clavier, Organ, Piano in K14 (under Physics Th) have been booked for this course starting in week 3, with a total of 60 lab computers.
If your bring your own device, you may stay in the classroom (Ainsworth 202), unless otherwise directed.
Quiz 1 will be held this week Thursday, during regular class/lab hour.
It will be conducted online, with a combination of multiple-choice and short answer questions .
Duration is 10 minutes, from 5.05 to 5.15 PM (during lab hour).
IF YOU BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (eg. laptop, iPad, ...), venue is Regular class room ( Ainsworth 202 ).
OTHERWISE, venue is any of the labs Clavier, Organ, Piano in K14 (under Physics Th), booked for this course starting in week 3, with a total of 60 lab computers.
At end of quiz, lab session will be held in the same venues.
This notice is for students who HAVE NOT COMPLETED THE SURVEY !
Kindly fill up the survey forms before 5PM, 8/8/2017.
The link to the form is available in the previous notice.
The first assessment instructions and data samples are now available under, Course Work → Assessments → Assessment 1.
Kindly fill up and submit the survey in the link below, before 3:00 PM, Friday, 4th August :
Note: You might have to login to your UNSW Email to access the form !
Week 2 slides are now available under Lectures.
The Moodle lecture recordings are now accessible. Apologies on delay, caused due to a Moodle setup issue. You may directly go to Moodle, or follow link at the top of the lectures page.
Matlab is available to download and run for all students
Alternatively, it can be accessed on demand through the University's MyAccess program
We have posted the revised slides on Image Formation, one to a page.
There is homework set on slide 39.
Week 1 slides were uploaded yesterday- look under Lectures.