
  • Marks released and final exam

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya 5 years ago.

    Dear students

    Hope you are safe and well. Thank you for your fantastic cooperation this term when we had to move online midway quite quickly.

    We have now released all internal assessment marks, including the total achieved in them.

    If your total marks achieved are equal to 50 or more, you will get a SY in the course, as already announced. In that case, taking the final examination is entirely optional, and it will not change your grade.

    Best wishes


  • Marks released

    Posted by Annette Spooner 5 years ago.

    The following marks have been released and late penalties, if any, have been applied:

    • The total lab mark
    • The group project mark and comments
    • The course total so far (excluding the final exam)

    You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec

    The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow. To see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.

  • Week 11 Tuesday

    Posted by Arcot Sowmya 5 years ago.

    Dear students

    Hope all of you are safe and well.

    There is no lecture in Week 11, on Tuesday, April 28th.

    All lecturers will answer any questions on the course content from now until the exam date.

    Please post your questions on Piazza, so that all answers are available to everyone.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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