
  • Exam marks released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge 2 years ago.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Final exam can be checked from your CSE account or WebCMS3 now.

    You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec


    to see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
    • Follow instructions to view marks

    Best regards.

  • Group project marks released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge 2 years ago.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Group Project and feedback can be checked from your CSE account or WebCMS3 now.

    You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec


    to see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
    • Follow instructions to view marks

    Best regards.

  • COMP9517 23T2 Exam 17 August 2023

    Posted by Erik Meijering 2 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    The COMP9517 23T2 exam has just been released on Moodle.

    See the Final Exam Paper in the Final Exam section for full information (it is nearly identical to the sample exam paper we released recently, so it should look familiar to you). It also contains the link to the scientific article assigned to you (this is randomly assigned from a pool of articles, so you are likely assigned a different article than your friends).

    Please use the link Final Exam Submission via Turnitin to submit your commentary by the given deadline. You must use one of the provided templates for writing your commentary (just pick any one of the four that works best for you). These are the same templates as the ones we provided with the sample exam paper on WebCMS.

    There are special links for students who have been granted late submission ("ELP Students Only"). Those links are accessible only to those specific students and are to be ignored by other students.

    Good luck with the exam, and if you have any questions during the exam period, please post them on Ed or email the course admin.

    Best wishes,

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