
  • Group project marks released

    Posted by Andrew Gunawan about a year ago.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Group Project and feedback can be checked from your CSE account or WebCMS3 now.

    You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec


    to see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
    • Follow instructions to view marks


  • Example Exam Questions

    Posted by Erik Meijering about a year ago.

    Hi Students,

    Now that the final exam has been written, we have compiled a series of example exam questions (with answers). See WebCMS3 > COMP9517 23T3 > Course Work > Assessments > Exam. The document also provides further details about the exam.

    The main purpose of the exam, as reflected in the example questions, is to test your knowledge and understanding of the concepts and methods taught in the course. Some questions may involve simple calculations related to these.

    Good luck preparing for the exam!


  • Submitting your group project

    Posted by Andrew Gunawan about a year ago, last modified about a year ago.

    Hi everyone,

    For those having trouble submitting their group project due to webcms saying the file size is too big even though it is not, please try using give on a CSE machine . Often the upload speed causes the submission to fail.

    For everyone trying to submit model weights that are over 100MB, you can include a downloadable link in your code. Make sure you make it clear for your marker.


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