
  • myExperience Survey

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 6 years ago.

    This is a gentle reminder, for those of you who did not yet give their feedback about the course through myExperience, that the due date and time are Sunday 5 May 2019 @ 23:59.

    Please do provide us with your feedback which is important to us before the deadline.

    Thank you for those who already gave their feedback and I wish all of you all the best in your exams.

    Thank you for your time.

  • Wrap Up Week 10 Lecture Notes Released

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 6 years ago.

    This is to let you know that the wrap up Week 10 lecture notes are now released. You can find them under Lectures. Because of Anzac Day public holiday, there will be no lecture for Week 10.

    If you have any queries regarding the remaining submissions, that is, the Report, the Final System, as well as the optional Peers Evaluation, please post them in the Q and A area of this course Website.

  • Project Demo Schedule

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 6 years ago.

    The Project Demo Schedule is now released. You can find it under Project.
    All the best for your demo.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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