
  • COMP3900/9900 Demo, Report, Project, and Peers Marks

    Posted by Matthew Sladescu 4 years ago.

    Hi Everyone,

    Final grades for Demo, Report, Software Quality, and Peers marks are now available on WebCMS3 from your grades page.

    Hope you've enjoyed this course, and best wishes on your next journey.

    For any queries, please do contact your mentor directly.

  • COMP3900/9900 Course Conclusion & myExperience Survey

    Posted by Matthew Sladescu 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Hi Everyone,

    Thank you and congratulations on making it to the conclusion of the course. It's been a pleasure watching so many great projects develop. Stay safe, and I wish you all the best on your next journey.

    We'll post an announcement here once remaining final results are available.

    If you would take a moment to fill in a myExperience survey for the course it would be much appreciated.

    The survey can be accessed either through the myExperience survey link on the moodle course website; or using your <zid> email address credentials (where your zid replaces <zid>) to log in here:

  • COMP3900/9900 Week 10 Reminders

    Posted by Matthew Sladescu 4 years ago.

    Hi Everyone,

    A few reminders for COMP3900/9900:

    - Remember that your software quality & report submissions are due today at 23:59. Note that the instructions on how to submit these can be accessed from the Assessments Page (under Course Work > Assessments on the course WebCMS site).

    - We will have a final wrap-up lecture, available on echo360 at 1pm this Wednesday, which you can access by clicking on Lectures from the course moodle site (slides also available from then on the course WebCMS site (under Course Work > Lectures - click on Download for the lecture)).

    - The peers evaluation to be submitted by each student individually is due this Friday at 23:59, with details for submitting this also accessible from the Assessments page and further detailed in the assessment guidelines (under Course Work > Assessments on the course WebCMS site).

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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