
  • myExperience Survey - Reminder

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Dear COMP[39]900 Students,

    The deadline to give your feedback about the course through myExperience is fast approaching. The due date is Thursday 29 April 2021 @ 11:59pm ( Sydney time ) and only around 23 % of students did complete the survey so far.

    For those of you who did not yet give their feedback through myExperience, could you please provide us with your valuable feedback which is important to us and to future students and will be considered to improve future offerings of this course using the following link:

    Click here to complete your myExperience survey now!

    Thank you for those who already gave their feedback.

    Thank you for your time and I wish all of you all the best in the forthcoming final exams.

    Best regards,
    COMP[39]900 Course Convenor

  • Peers Evaluation Due Soon

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 4 years ago.

    This is a reminder that Peers evaluation submission is due tonight Saturday 24/04/2021 @ 10.00pm.
    This is a compulsory individual submission for all team members.

    Thank you for those who already submitted their peers evaluation.

  • Project Report and Project Code Due Very Soon

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 4 years ago.

    This is a gentle reminder that your team's Project Report worth 20% and Project Code worth 20% are due tonight Friday 23/04/2021 @ 10.00pm.

    Please note that only one member of the team (the Scrum Master) submits the Project Report and the Project Code on behalf of the whole team.

    Wishing you all the best.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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