
  • Project - Git tutorial with stm32 project + using Sourcetree GUI

    Posted by Riley Haydon 8 months ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Just making a post here to double the chances of people seeing it. I've made a post on the ed forum about using git and sourcetree with stm32 projects. This should be useful for your project if you havent set something like this up for it already - and I tip my hat to those who have already.

    Go check it out, comment if you find errors, have problems, or think its great!

    - Best of luck with your project and other assessments 😄

  • Notice!

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi 10 months ago, last modified 9 months ago.

    This WebCMS course only hosts the technical content for those in the computer engineering stream of DESN2000 24T2 .

    Please visit the Moodle course for the design content. The discussions, Q&A, announcements and forum are in Ed . If you cannot access Ed or WebCMS, please email with your name and zid .

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