
  • Class Mark and Lab Mark

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan 5 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Please check your LabMark and ClassMark and email us ASAP if there are any issues. ClassMark is the sum of your lab marks, assignments 1 and 2 and practice tests. All results will be finalised by Monday and we cannot make any changes after this.

  • Assignment 2 Marks

    Posted by Angela Finlayson 5 years ago.

    Hi everyone.

    Your assignment 2 is available to collect. Please check your mark and email us ASAP if there are any issues. Please also check your LabMark and your ClassMark. Your ClassMark is not quite finalised as the week 12 test has not been marked yet, but all other class tests have been so please check those too.

  • Classes on thursday

    Posted by Angela Finlayson 5 years ago.

    This week there will be no class on thursday from 11am-12.

    We will have our lecture on thursday from 4:30-5:30 in LG16.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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