Please read Diploma
Online Exam Instructions
for instructions on how to Access your online exam.
Please make sure you login into the Exam Moodle site 20 minutes prior to the exam. A link to a Zoom session will be provided. Join the session using the link provided. (You should join at least 20 minutes before the test starts). You will not be permitted to enter the exam once it has commenced.
Please also read the instructions for the actual exam carefully.
Hi everyone.
Today's class will be held on zoom. Please attend if you have not used Zoom before as we will be using it for the final exam. The zoom link for today will be posted in Moodle.
See you at 1pm today.
Hello everyone.
Don't forget our revision class today from 1-2pm
and the consultation after from 2-3pm. Please come to this if you have any unmarked labs or questions about your Class Mark.
Your class mark will be finalised today.
Don't forget we have a revision class today at 1pm! See you soon.
We will be running programming interviews on Friday May 1st between 10 and 1pm. You will be assigned an exact time, closer to the date. Passing the exam interview is a hurdle to passing the course.
Hi everyone. Your ClassMark /40 for the course is available.
Please collect you assignment 2 marks and check all your marks. Email me if there are any issues.
You still have the chance to do lab 11 and lab 12 and get them marked by next thursday.
Don't forget our revision class today at 2pm.
Go to the normal live class link in Moodle to attend.
See you soon
Thursday April 16th 2-3pm Revision Class 1
Monday April 20th 1-2pm Revision Class 2
Thursday April 23rd 1-2pm Revision Class 3(including kahoot theory revision quiz)
Thursday April 23rd 2-3pm Consultation and last chance to get labs marked
Monday April 27th 1-2pm Exam consultation
Please email and let me know if there is anything specific you would like to cover in revision.
Please email if you have questions about the assignment or the labs.
Don't forget to do Quiz 5
Stay safe and take care!
Hello everyone.
You MUST attend tomorrow's class. At 10am we will have a tutorial as normal. At 11am, we will be checking your cameras and trialling the zoom exam environment. Please join the normal live class tomorrow in Moodle and I will give you the details there.
Hi everyone. There is one more lecture to watch. It is the last concurrency video.
Also I have extended the deadlines of lab11 and lab12 until sunday 19th April.
Please turn up to the lab this week on thursday, ready to turn on your camera and try it out in preparation for the final exam.
Hi everyone.
By now you should have already watched the week 10 lecture videos on Networks. Don't forget to also watch the week 11 videos on concurrency before next week's tutorial.
Hi everyone.
Due to all the adjustments everyone has had to make, we have extended the deadline of assignment 2 by 2 days. It is now due tuesday 14th April by 23:59:59
Please email me if you have any questions or difficulties.
Please be aware all submissions will be checked for plagiarism. If you copy someone else's work or give your work to someone else, you will get penalised and receive 0.
Hello, Don't forget to do Quiz 4 by Sunday midnight. Also don't forget to watch the week 10 lecture videos on networks before our class next week. Hope you have a great weekend and see you next week!
Hi everyone,
Hope you are going well. Please email me if you have any issues.
See you tomorrow!
Don't forget we have a tutorial at 10am then our practice prac exam.
There is also a quiz out now!
Stay safe.
Hi everyone. As you have already been informed, we have moved to online only delivery and starting tomorrow, have a new timetable.
So your first online class under the new timetable will be a tutorial on monday from 1:30 to 2:30 with me. Please click the following link to see the full timetable.
From now on, all lectures will be provided as pre-recorded videos and can be found in the usual location, by going to the CP1521 Moodle Site
and clicking on the link " Lecture Recordings ".
All other classes should be attended online by going the CP1521 Moodle Site and clicking on the " Live Class " link. The live classes for tutorial s will also be recorded and links will be provided on Moodle.
Anyone who has unmarked labs that they have submitted from weeks 7 and 8, must attend consultations this week on monday to get them marked.
Please email me with any questions or problems that you have related to the course.
See you live on monday for the tutorial, where we will be discussing assignment 2.
Note: We conduct plagiarism detection for all assignments and are currently investigating assignment 1. We will also do so for assignment 2. A reminder to only submit your own work and do NOT give your work to others to submit.
Tomorrow we are not having a live class.
Please watch this Introductory Video in Preparation for the Week 10 Material on Networks
You can also get a head start on the week 10 lecture content by watching the latest echo recording.
Please email me if you have any difficulties with this week's lab or have questions about Assignment 2.
Is about to go live.
You will need to log into our Moodle site
And click on the live class link to join the lecture
Don't forget to tune in now for your tutorial. Email me at if you have any issues.
Don't forget to tune in tomorrow at 9am for your tutorial online.
You will need to log into our Moodle site
And click on the live class link to join the lecture
Please log into our Moodle site
And click on the live class link to join the lecture.
Tomorrow's lecture will be run online. I will post the link to join the live class tomorrow at around 11:05am.
Please go to the CP1521 Moodle to see a link to the live recording of today's tutorial.
Due to the current health crisis, you do not need to come to labs to get them marked. You can just submit them online by the due date. Today's lab will still be running as normal in case you need some help, but you do not need to attend if you only want to get marked.
Hello everyone. This is just a reminder that if you want to get marks for your labs you MUST turn up to labs to get them marked. It is ok to get them marked in the following week, but if you have labs from weeks and weeks earlier that you have not had marked in person, you will receive 0 for these labs.
It is due Sunday night by 11:59 pm
I have extended the deadline for the practice quiz. It is due tonight at midnight. It is not worth marks, but will give you a chance to see what the quizzes are like before you do the first one that will be worth marks.
Hi Everyone.
Welcome to the Course. We are at the end of week 1 and so far only 4 students have turned up to any classes. I hope to see many more of you in class next week. This course is challenging and missing too many classes will make it hard to keep up.
See you all next week!