
  • Friday 11am-12pm Lecture changed to consultation plus due date changes

    Posted by Harshana Randeni Friday 28 June 2024, 09:54:02 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    As many of you had some midterms this week, we are making some changes today:

    1. Friday 28th June 11am-12pm Lecture is now an in-person (as per messages in earlier lectures this week)
    2. Iteration 2 Due date has been extended until Monday 10pm, July 1st 2024
      1. The Iteration 2 Peer Review has been extended to open from Friday 10pm, 28th June until Tuesday 10pm, July 2nd 2024
      2. A teams message will be forthcoming about accessing periodic (hourly) automarking.
    3. lab08_memory due date has been extended until Friday 5pm, July 5th 2024.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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