
  • Final Exam Info (Thursday 14/Jun)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 7 years ago.

    The exam is 2 hours plus 10 minutes reading, on Thursday 14 June 2018.

    Time, Room/Seat allocation are available below:

    If your exam is in the morning , you will be told your lab and computer no. For example, oboe20 means Computer no. 20 in Oboe lab, CSE computer labs are named after musical instruments! See below for the lab locations:

    If your exam is in the afternoon , you will be told your corralling room where you wait for about half an hour before being taken to your lab by the exam supervisor. The afternoon exam times include the wait in the corralling room.

    Students take the same exam whether morning or afternoon. Hence, the afternoon students must be corralled to avoid any communication with students who have just finished their morning exam.

    Bring pens and student ID card . No calculator required. Rough work paper provided.

    Go to the toilet before your exam.

    All the best for the exam tomorrow!

  • Boolean Indexing (simple explanation) video

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 7 years ago.

    If you have successfully solved lab-13 q2 and q3, you may not need to watch the following video. However, if you are still struggling to properly understand Boolean indexing, please watch the following video, and later read the example files provided for Week-09C lecture on boolean indexing, and also q2 and q3 of lab-13.

    All the best for your exam!.

  • Week12b Lecture, re-recorded with audio, on "Course Review and Exam Structure" is now available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 7 years ago.

    Week12b Lecture on "Course Review and Exam Structure" is now available (re-recorded with audio):


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