
  • Virtual Lab marks

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    You can check your marks for your virtual labs by clicking on the graph icon (see below) in the bottom left corner on the class web page . You need to login first to see the graph icon.

    The final lab marks for each lab are out of 2, in the fields "vlab1" and "vlab2".

  • Final Exam: Time, Date and Seating Allocations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    In case you missed the earlier post (posted 15 days ago) for the final exam time, date and seating allocation, you can view your exam time, date and seating allocation at the following web page. You need to login using your zId and password.

    If you have any queries, please send an email to Mei Cheng at .

  • Final Exam and Pre-Exam Consultation

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 6 years ago.

    Just a reminder, the last Pre-Exam Consultation is at 12noon today.

    In the final exam, there are 5 python programming questions (worth 91 marks) and 6 multiple choice questions (worth 9 marks, 1.5 marks each).

    As indicated in the lasts lecture, please note that Q1 is based on your Assignment-1 and Q2 is based on your Assignment-2. So you may want to refresh your memory before the exam! Please check your assignment solutions against the given test cases in the specs, as far as you pass them, you have the required skills! Assignment-2 marks may or may not be available before the exam. However, as indicated earlier, as far as you pass the given tests in the specs, it should be fine. Of course, the corresponding exam questions will be different to the assignment specifications.

    Marks for the virtual labs will be available soon, say by tomorrow.

    All the best for your exam!

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