
  • Virtual Lab marks

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 10 May 2019, 08:17:39 AM.

    You can check your marks for your virtual labs by clicking on the graph icon (see below) in the bottom left corner on the class web page . You need to login first to see the graph icon.

    The final lab marks for each lab are out of 2, in the fields "vlab1" and "vlab2".

  • Final Exam: Time, Date and Seating Allocations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 10 May 2019, 07:38:41 AM.

    In case you missed the earlier post (posted 15 days ago) for the final exam time, date and seating allocation, you can view your exam time, date and seating allocation at the following web page. You need to login using your zId and password.

    If you have any queries, please send an email to Mei Cheng at .

  • Final Exam and Pre-Exam Consultation

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Thursday 09 May 2019, 11:34:33 AM.

    Just a reminder, the last Pre-Exam Consultation is at 12noon today.

    In the final exam, there are 5 python programming questions (worth 91 marks) and 6 multiple choice questions (worth 9 marks, 1.5 marks each).

    As indicated in the lasts lecture, please note that Q1 is based on your Assignment-1 and Q2 is based on your Assignment-2. So you may want to refresh your memory before the exam! Please check your assignment solutions against the given test cases in the specs, as far as you pass them, you have the required skills! Assignment-2 marks may or may not be available before the exam. However, as indicated earlier, as far as you pass the given tests in the specs, it should be fine. Of course, the corresponding exam questions will be different to the assignment specifications.

    Marks for the virtual labs will be available soon, say by tomorrow.

    All the best for your exam!

  • Pre-Exam Consultations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 01 May 2019, 09:27:11 AM.

    Pre-Exam Consultation will be at ,

    • 12:30pm to 1pm Thursday 02 May in Room 403 K17 Building
    • 12noon to 12:30pm Thursday 09 May in Room 403 K17 Building

    If required the above times will be extended.

  • Ass2 Submission

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Sunday 28 April 2019, 05:16:08 PM.

    Just to clarify, only one person from a group need to submit all three files. To Submit the assignment, go to the Submission page and click the tab named " Make Submission ".

  • Week-10 Lab: Practice for the final exam

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Thursday 18 April 2019, 09:35:03 AM.

    During the week-10 lab , you will be working on few Python programming questions to give you some practice for the final exam. Note that the same set of questions will be used for all the lab sessions. If you seriously want to check how you are doing, then you should not ask your classmates, who have attended an earlier lab, what the questions are. There is no online assessment this week.

    At the end of the Term (after all the labs), we will release all the week-10 Python programming questions online, in case you miss the lab for some reason.

    Public Holidays (on Monday 22/April and Thursday 25/April): If your lab is on Monday or Thursday, your week-10 lab is rescheduled at the alternative time and location d uring week-11 . Please check your time table for week-11 in myUNSW account. Again, please note that your lab in week-11 may be at different location and at different time, so please check your timetable.

  • Assignment-2 Change Log

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 17 April 2019, 04:38:10 PM.

    Please check the Change Log for Assignment-2 .

  • Midterm marks

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Tuesday 16 April 2019, 10:03:02 AM.

    You can check your marks for your midterm exam by clicking on the graph icon (see below) in the bottom left corner on the class web page . You need to login first to see the graph icon. We have also auto-marked your assignment-1, soon your tutors will also finish marking assignment-1, and you will be able to see assignment-1 marks also.

    If you have any queries, please contact your tutor.

  • Assignment 2 Group Registrations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 12 April 2019, 11:10:49 AM.

    For Assignment-2, you need to work in a group of two with the restriction that your group partner must come from the same lab class (i.e. same lab time slot and lab room). If you want to work on your own, please check with your tutor.

    You must suggest your group to your tutor during your Week-9 lab , your tutor will register your group (you cannot do it). Please make sure that your group is registered by the end of Week-9. If you have any queries, please contact your tutor. In case you need your tutor's email, goto the Timetable page and see under the "staff" column.

    Only one of the group members need to submit the assignment. You cannot submit your assignment if your group is not registered.

  • Virtual Lab 2 (Matlab)

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Tuesday 09 April 2019, 10:18:36 PM.

    Please note that Virtual Lab 2 (Matlab) is now available under Week 8's Lab. You have been sent an email invitation to enrol in the virtual lab which is hosted on Matlab Grader. The lab is due 11pm on Wed 24 April 2019.

  • Assignment-2 is now available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Tuesday 09 April 2019, 07:20:11 PM.

    Assignment 2: Simulation and Design of Biofuel Production - is now available . Please read the specifications, we will discuss how to get started later during the Thursday lecture. Task-1 is similar to lab08, we have already covered topics required for Task-2 (also read the Hint in Task-2), this week we will cover material required for Task-3.



  • Help Sessions updated

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale Monday 08 April 2019, 08:04:29 PM, last modified Monday 08 April 2019, 08:11:54 PM.

    We have added two more help sessions: Tuesday 9-11 and Wednesday 9-11, both in Piano lab (K14 LG18) for Week 8 Only

    As the assignment is not due on Friday, the regular Friday help session will still run, but the other sessions on Friday are cancelled for Week 8.

  • Assignment-1

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Thursday 04 April 2019, 01:55:04 PM.

    For Assignment-1, your solution code must be inside the respective function, do not write code outside a function . You can have " import " statement(s) outside your function, however all other statements must be part of your function.

    You should import your function " calculate_similarity " in part-2 (say using " import calculate_similarity as cs ", see the hints for Part-2 below). Similarly import your function " calculate_similarity_list " in part-3, see the hints for Part-3 provided below. You should avoid rewriting same code at multiple locations! Importantly it teaches you how to use " import ". By the way, Part-4 does not use earlier functions, so you do not need to import functions from Part-1 to Part-3 in Part-4.

    As discussed in the lecture today, if you have not still finished Part-2 and 3, hints for Part-2 and 3 are now available:


  • Assignment-1 : Submission and NO numpy!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 03 April 2019, 10:30:54 AM.

    Important : As mentioned in the lectures, please do not use " numpy " for Assignment-1 , thanks.

    I have added submission instructions for Assignment 1 : Pattern detection,

    • To submit the assignment, go to the Submission page and click on the tab " Make Submission " and submit the following four files for Assignment-1. Please DO NOT submit any other files. For example, you do not need to submit your modified test files.

    You do need to submit all four files . If you have not implemented a function(s), you can submit the file(s) provided.

  • Virtual Lab 1 (Spreadsheets) - resubmit (if case you submitted before today)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 01 April 2019, 09:28:33 PM.

    The fie name you submit should be " ENGG1811_spreadsheet_lab.xlsx" , the file you downloaded for the exercises. Earlier by mistake I entered different file name!

    Please resubmit your work (file), you can submit multiple times, the last submission is marked.

  • Virtual Lab 1 (Spreadsheets) - Submission Instructions

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 29 March 2019, 10:59:37 AM.

    You can now submit your Virtual Lab 1 (Speadsheets). Read the submission instructions in the section " Submission " at the bottom of the following page. In case you don't see the submission instructions, you may need to (hard) refresh the page, in order to upload the latest copy of the page.


  • Additional Help Sessions

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Saturday 23 March 2019, 07:33:28 AM.

    Additional Help Sessions are now available, one Help Session every day, plus multiple on Friday!


  • Virtual Lab 1: Spreadsheets

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 22 March 2019, 01:37:28 PM.

    Your first virtual lab on Spreadsheets is now available.

    You need to submit your workbook for assessment by 11 pm on Thur 4 April 2019. Later, instructions on how to submit your workbook for assessment will be available.

  • Available now: Assignment-1 and Midterm Solutions

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 20 March 2019, 05:16:56 PM.

    In tomorrow's lecture (Thursday 21 March), we will discuss the " Midterm Solutions " and " How to Get Started for Assignment-1 ".

    The following two are now available.


  • Midterm : Sample questions

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Thursday 07 March 2019, 06:09:09 PM.

    The midterm exam will take place in your lab session in Week 6 .

    I have added a menu item " Midterm " under "Course Work" on the course website. You will find information there on syllabus and a sample midterm paper .

    If you want some face-to-face help before the midterm, there are help sessions running where you can drop in to ask tutors questions. You can find information on them under the menu item "Help Sessions" on the course website.

  • Help Sessions

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Tuesday 26 February 2019, 08:21:30 AM.

    From this week, we are running Help Sessions . These are face-to-face consultations for you to ask the tutors questions. They are not compulsory but use them to prepare your labs or for additional help outside the scope of your lab e.g. setting up your laptop for home computing. More help sessions will be added later in the session.

    For time and location of the Help Sessions , go to the course website and click on the menu item " Help Sessions ".

  • Lecture Recordings

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Thursday 21 February 2019, 08:03:01 AM.

    Please click on "Lecture recordings" in the left panel of the class web page (or click the link below) and follow instructions to access lecture videos for ENGG1811 (19T1):


  • Welcome to ENGG1811 (Computing for Engineers)!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 11 February 2019, 09:50:27 AM, last modified Monday 11 February 2019, 02:24:50 PM.

    Dear ENGG1811 Students,

    I’m the convenor for ENGG1811 for Term 1, 2019 and I’d like to welcome you to the course. There are a number of important points that I’d like to let you know.

    • ENGG1811 does not use Moodle. The course website is at . We recommend that you bookmark the page.
    • The course outline is available on the course website.
    • You will be learning to write computer programs in the Python programming language in ENGG1811. We will ask you to write some simple code in the lecture. We suggest that you install the software " Anaconda for Python 3.7 " on your laptop before the first lecture and bring your laptop to the lectures. Instructions for installing this software can be found at the "Getting Started" link on the course website or
    • Labs start in Week 01. Your first lab Lab01 is available. See "Labs" in the left panel on the course website.
    • Lecture materials will be available before the lectures. See "Lectures" in the left panel on the course website.

    See you in class!

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