You can now check your provisional results for the course using the "Grades" icon next to your name. The exam marks are in the fields exam_q1a, exam_q1b, exam_q2, exam_q3a, exam_q3b, exam_q4, exam_q5 (for the Python questions) and exam_B for the multiple choice questions. The overall result for the course is in the field overall_mark. If your overall result is 50 or more, you have passed the course.
Note that these results are provisional as they have not been approved by the university.
If you see 1/1 next to the field forum_bonus, you are one of the 10 students who have been awarded one bonus mark for your active participation in the course forum.
If you would like to view the details of your exam test outputs, you can come to my office (608/K17) on Wed 18 Dec at 3-4pm. If you want to do that, I will ask you to email me at with your student number BEFORE 11am on Wed 18 Dec. This is so that I can print your test outputs and show them to you on paper. This will speed the process up.
If you cannot make it this Wednesday, you can email me for an appointment.
I hope you enjoyed ENGG1811 and will find it useful in the future. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
I am running the following pre-exam consultations where you can drop in to ask questions.
Both consultations are in Room 608, Building K17.
The ENGG1811 exam will take place on Tue 10 Dec. You will either be attending a morning or an afternoon session. You can check your allocation at:
If your exam is in the morning , you will be told your lab and computer number. For example, kora24 means computer number 24 in the Kora lab. CSE computer labs are named after musical instruments. See below for the lab locations:
If your exam is in the afternoon , you will be told your corralling room where you will wait before being taken to your lab by the exam supervisor. The afternoon exam times include the wait in the corralling room. You cannot take the exam if you arrive after 12:30 .
Students take the same exam whether morning or afternoon. Hence, the afternoon students must be corralled to avoid any communication with students who have just finished their morning exam. Students attending the morning session will not be allowed to leave early.
Bring pens and student ID card . No calculator required. Rough work paper provided. See Week 10's Lecture for information on the exam as well as a list of documents available to you during the exam.
Go to the toilet before your exam.
All the best with your exam!
In order for you to complete Virtual Lab 2, you will need an email invitation to access the Matlab Grader. We sent each of you an email invitation in Week 7. In case you have not received an invitation, we ask you to do the following:
We ask that you at least check that you have access to Matlab Grader by Thur 21 Nov.
You can view your submitted response here .
This aim of this notice is to let you know what will happen in Week 10 and beyond.
Please note that there are some updates on Assignment 2.
Assignment 1 has been marked. You can check your results via the course website.
You can find some general feedback on Assignment 1 here . If you want some specific feedback, you can speak with your tutor.
The ENGG1811 final exam will be held on Tuesday 10 Dec. There are two sessions: morning or afternoon.
If you have another exam on that day, then we have pre-allocated you a session which does not clash with your other exam. Students with special needs have also been allocated.
If you haven't got another exam on that day, you can express a preference for attending morning or afternoon session using the link below. Please read the instruction carefully and do it by 11:59pm on Sunday 17 Nov . You will need to login.
Link to the portal to express exam session preference.
The portal has further information on the two sessions.
Assignment 2 has been released. To view it, go to the course website and look for the Assignment 2 link on the menu.
I will talk about Assignment 2 in the lecture this coming Monday.
The midterm results are now available. You can check it from the course website: Go to the menu bar on the left, at the bottom of the menu bar you will find your name, next to your name is a bar-chart icon. If you click on the icon, it will show your midterm score marked out of 10.
If you would like to see where you have lost marks for your midterm, you can speak with your lab tutor who will be able to give you more detailed feedback.
The second online module on the topic of Matlab has been released. The module has been filed under Labs (under Week 7's entry) on the course website.
There is an assessable lab (Virtual lab 2) associated with this module. This virtual lab is hosted on the Matlab Grader platform. You will soon be receiving an email invitation for you to enrol in Matlab Grader.
Please note that the submission deadline for Virtual Lab 2 is 5 pm, Monday 25 Nov, 2019. This is a hard deadline.
On the sample midterm page on the course website, there is a link with some notes on what you should NOT do when you try to answer questions. I recommend that you read those notes. The link to the notes can be found in the last paragraph of the page. If you want to go to the page directly, the link is below.
ENGG1811 has two online modules. Each online module consists of a number of video lectures for self-learning and an assessable lab.
The first online module on the topic of spreadsheets has been released. The module has been filed under Labs (under Week 5's entry) on the course website. The web page for the module has a link that will take you to the assessable lab, which we call Virtual Lab 1.
Please note that the submission deadline for Virtual Lab 1 is 5 pm, Fri 8 Nov, 2019.
The midterm exam will take place in your lab session in Week 6. I have added a menu item "Midterm" under "Course Work" on the course website. You will find information there on syllabus and a sample midterm paper.
If you want some face-to-face help before the midterm, there are help sessions running where you can drop in to ask tutors questions. You can find information on them under the menu item "Help Sessions" on the course website.
Dear ENGG1811 Students,
From this week onwards, we will be running Help Sessions where you can get face-to-face help with your work. You can see the times for the Help Sessions by clicking on the menu item "Help Sessions" in the course website.
Assignment 1 has been released. To view it, go to the course website and look for the Assignment 1 link on the menu.
I will talk about Assignment 1 in the lecture this coming Wednesday.
Thank you to those who have posted and answered questions on the course forum . The forum will be the place where you can ask questions about the course materials and discuss the course contents. The weekly exercises will also be posted on the forum and you are encouraged to try to solve these problems as a member of the community. If you haven't activated your forum account, please do so.
We would like to encourage everyone in the course to participate in the forum. You can post your question and answer other students' questions. As an encouragement to participate in the forum, we will award 1 bonus mark to the top 10 contributors of the forum. In selecting the top 10 contributors, we will look at the quality of your questions and answers.
The bonus mark will be added to your total course mark to obtain the overall final mark; note that if your overall final mark exceeds 100 then it will be capped at 100.
As explained in the lecture earlier today, I would post preliminary version of the code before the lecture so that you can work on it in the lecture and post the final version of the code after the lecture on Wednesday.
You can find this week's code under Week 1's lecture, and looked for "Code (Preliminary)" and "Code (Final)". You can download each file individually or you can download a zip file which contains all the files.
If you are attending the lectures, it would be a good idea to download the preliminary code files before coming to the lecture.
As mentioned in the lecture, we will be using the forum on for the discussion for ENGG1811. You will be getting an email shortly from to invite you to join the forum. Please activate the account to use the forum.
The recording for this morning's (Week 1, Monday) lecture is now available. You can access the recording
The recordings are made automatically by the UNSW IT service. They should be available sometime after the end of the 2-hour lecture block. As a rough indication, it looked like that it took about an hour for it to become available this morning.
Please note that there are two corrections to the lecture slides and they have been posted on the course website under lectures.
Dear ENGG1811 Students,
I’m the convenor for ENGG1811 for Term 3, 2019 and I’d like to welcome you to the course. There are a number of important points that I’d like to let you know.
See you in class!