
  • Final exam tomorrow (Thur, 7 May)

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 5 years ago.

    This is a reminder that the final exam will take place tomorrow (Thur, 7 May) from 2pm. (Note: exam pack will be available from 1:30pm.)

    Here is the link to the final exam page which you will use to download the exam pack, obtain the password and submit your work. The page is also available on the menu on the course website under the heading "Final exam (Thur, 7 May)". I suggest you to visit the page now to familiarise yourselves with the schedule and instructions on that page.

    All the best with the exam tomorrow.

  • Assignment 2 and virtual lab 2 marks are now available

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 5 years ago.

    Assignment 2

    Assignment 2 has been marked. You can check your mark and collect a report on your work. To check your mark, go to the course website and click on the bar-chart-like icon next to your name. To collect the report, go to the Assignment 2 page click on the "Collect Submission" tab.

    Most students who attempted the assignment did very well. It's pleasing to see that many students made effort to simplify their classify_a_pixel. As mentioned yesterday, I have posted my solution on the Assignment 2 page.

    If you have questions about your mark and feedback in the report, please speak with your tutor.

    Virtual Lab 2

    You can also check your virtual lab 2 marks using the same method. If you have questions on your virtual lab 2 marks, please email the lecturer.

    Total marks for all the labs

    We have also calculated the weighted total of all of your labs (i.e. weekly labs and virtual labs combined) out of 10. You can find it under the field " labs_all_10" among your marks.

  • Assignment 2 solution and additional information on the exam

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 5 years ago.

    I have posted the Assignment 2 solution on the Assignment 2 page. There a link near the top of the page. We are aiming to give you the assignment 2 marks by tomorrow (Tue, 5 May).

    I have posted additional information on the exam on the sample exam page. It has more details on the UNSW fit-to-sit rule, what happens if you fall ill during the exam, what happens if you have technical issues in the exam.

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