
  • ENGG1811 (22T1) Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 20 May 2022, 10:55:51 AM.

    The ENGG1811 (22T1) supplementary exam will be at 2-5pm Friday 27 May 2022. The supplementary exam will be available on the class webpage. If you are offered the supplementary exam, you need to login using your zId and password to access the exam. Please note that, if you are not offered the supplementary exam, you cannot take the supplementary exam.

    All the best

  • Exam submissions close at 5:30pm

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale Tuesday 10 May 2022, 02:42:49 PM.

    Due to the problems with downloading the exam pack, submissions will be accepted until 5:30pm.

  • Exam pack is available now to download

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale Tuesday 10 May 2022, 01:40:59 PM.

    Please try again if you encountered an error before.

  • Final Exam on Tuesday 10th May 2022

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale Monday 09 May 2022, 12:09:58 PM.

    You can access the exam via this page:

    You have to acknowledge the exam conditions before proceeding to the exam question page.

    Please note the following schedule. All the times are Sydney local time on 10th May 2022.

    • Exam pack will be available for download from 1:30pm.
    • Password for the exam pack will be available from 2:00pm. Note that you will need to refresh the page to see the password.
    • You can work on the exam between 2:00 to 5:00pm
    • You must submit your work by 5:00pm

    If you have questions during the exam, please email

    It is important that you submit your program file once you have completed a question, please do not leave all the submissions at the end.

    All the best with your exam tomorrow.

  • Recording of Pre Exam Consultation

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 29 April 2022, 10:29:37 PM.

    Recording (click here) of today's Pre Exam Consultation (29 April) is now available.

  • Reminder: ENGG1811 Pre Exam consultation

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 29 April 2022, 08:59:54 AM.

    A reminder for the today's ENGG1811 Pre Exam Consultation at 12 noon (Friday 29 April 2022), on Teams (click here) . We will briefly discuss some of the questions from the sample exam, and address any queries you may have for the final exam. The session will be recorded.

  • Labs and Assignment 1 marks are available

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale Friday 29 April 2022, 06:42:13 AM.

    You can check your marks by clicking on the Grades icon next to your name at the bottom of the left panel.

    Assignment 1 marks are available. Except, for the small number of plagiarism cases their assignment mark is still to be determined.

    Tutors are currently marking Assignment 2 and it will be ready for collection by the end of this week. Marked submission can be collected by going to the Assignment Spec page and selecting "Collect Submission"

  • Pre Exam Consultation

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Tuesday 26 April 2022, 01:12:04 PM.

    ENGG1811 (22T1) Pre Exam Consultation will be at 12 noon on Friday 29 April 2022, on Teams (click here) <u> . </u>

  • Lab 10 is now available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Tuesday 19 April 2022, 11:12:13 AM.

    Lab 10 is now available

  • Welcome to Week-9

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 11 April 2022, 10:38:58 AM.

    By seeing the forum and help session activity, we can see that you are all working diligently on your assignment; please keep it up. The goal of this assignment is to help you advance to a higher level of skill under the guidance of your tutors. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn before you have to deal with real-world problems on your own!

    We're only two weeks away from the end of term! During these two weeks, though, we still have a few exciting things to cover. This week's focus will be on "smart" algorithms, followed by a discussion of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. We'll also touch on some overdue topics, such as file handling and how to make functions more flexible. On Wednesday, we'll release a sample final exam and discuss it briefly in lecture. We have requested that all tutors complete marking Assignment 1 by the end of this week. Please get in touch with them if you have any queries about Assignment 1 marking.

  • Online module on Matlab with Link to Self-Directed Lab 2

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Thursday 07 April 2022, 03:50:21 PM.

    Online module on Matlab with Link to Self-Directed Lab 2 is now available. Please read the instructions, you need to watch the required videos before you attempt the following exercises.

    Today you should have received an email from "Matlab Grader" to complete Self-Directed Lab 2 exercises. Please check your mail box(s) and look for an email like the following (or something similar), follow the link and complete the exercises before the deadline.

  • Welcome to Week-8

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 04 April 2022, 10:03:19 AM.

    This week's lectures will focus on advanced Numpy features and a few fundamental aspects of function design in Python and file handling. The second assignment is now available and will be discussed in detail during tomorrow's lecture. Before the next lesson, please take some time to familiarise yourself with the assignment specification. To be successful in your real-world endeavours, you'll need the confidence that comes from completing such an assignment successfully. Let us know if you have any queries by posting on the forum or attending a help session.

  • Assignment-2 : now available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Sunday 03 April 2022, 09:49:33 AM.

    Assignment 2 is now available. Please read the specs carefully, and if you have any queries, please ask during the next lecture on Tuesday, when we will go over the assignment's tasks and how you can get started.

  • Welcome to Week 07!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Tuesday 29 March 2022, 10:47:50 AM.

    Welcome back! Hopefully, you are now more energised and prepared for the next four weeks, during which we will cover many interesting topics. Today, we'll begin with simulations and learn how to simulate complex systems. Simulation is extremely important in engineering disciplines where new systems/processes must be designed, developed, and/or optimised. This topic is important because it is relevant to your second assignment, so make sure you master the skills.

    Just a reminder that Assignment-1 is due tomorrow (Wednesday) at 5pm, and submission instructions are available. Please keep in mind that you may submit multiple times; however, only the most recent submission will be marked.

  • Assignment-1 submission instructions are now available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 28 March 2022, 09:47:09 PM.

    Assignment-1 submission instructions are now available.

    To submit Assignment-1, go to the Submission page , click the tab named " Make Submission " and submit the required four files (,, and ).

  • Self-Directed Lab 1 (Spreadsheets) - now available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 14 March 2022, 06:06:50 PM.

    Tomorrow I will introduce your first self-directed lab on Spreadsheets. " ENGG1811 Self-Directed Lab 1: Spreadsheets " is now available. It is due at 5pm Wednesday 06 April 2022 (Wednesday of Week-08). Select Labs in the left panel and goto Week-5 .

  • Welcome to Week-5

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 14 March 2022, 12:30:26 PM.

    This week is the last before the flexible week starts! So hang on; you'll be having a well-deserved break soon.

    We've covered many interesting topics so far, and this week we'll cover one of the essential topics - Numpy . NumPy is the most popular Python package for scientific and engineering computing. It's a Python library that includes a multidimensional array object, derived objects (such as masked arrays and matrices), and a variety of routines for performing fast array operations, such as mathematical, logical, sorting, selecting, basic statistical functions, and more. Tomorrow, we'll begin discussing Numpy and learning how to utilise it efficiently for engineering problem solving through interactive exercises.

    Hopefully, you are on track to complete Assignment-1, which is due on Wednesday of Week-7 on. Please write a message on the forum and/or attend one of the many available Help Sessions if you have any questions.

    Don't miss today's Live Coding Session by Danyon, click here more information on what will be covered today.

  • Help Sessions Schedule now available

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale Wednesday 09 March 2022, 11:12:54 AM, last modified Wednesday 09 March 2022, 11:13:41 AM.

    There is a help session at 2pm today on Blackboard Collaborate. It is not compulsory, attend if you have queries on lecture, lab and assignment content.

    The schedule for the rest of the term can be found here

  • Welcome to Week-4; Assignment-1 in Live Coding 7pm today (07 March)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 07 March 2022, 05:43:01 PM, last modified Monday 07 March 2022, 05:45:20 PM.

    I hope you're having fun with the course and, more importantly, gaining some valuable skills! Thus far, we've covered the fundamentals of Python procedural programming and will progressively expand our coverage to include a few very exciting topics. Please continue to engage actively in labs and lectures, as well as on the forum; the most effective method to learn is to take on a task and give it your all; we are here to support you if you run into any difficulties:-) Kindly post a message on the forum and/or attend a Help Sessions .

    The first assignment is now available. Please attend today's (7-8pm Monday 07 March) "Live coding session," during which Danyon will discuss the assignment's context and how to get started. Please try to attend live if feasible. If you are unable to attend, the session will be recorded.

  • Live Coding Sessions: 7-8pm Mondays on Blackboard Collaborate (online)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 16 February 2022, 11:25:38 AM.

    Danyon Farrell will run the Live Coding Sessions from 7-8pm on Mondays on Blackboard Collaborate (online). These sessions are not compulsory, however they will be very useful to attend to learn how to approach coding questions. They will be interactive and you will learn by actively participating in the coding activities. They will also be recorded for students unable to attend or to watch at a later date. If you've got questions about these sessions or any relevant ideas/concepts you'd like Danyon to cover, feel free to ask him the forum.

  • Welcome to Week-1

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 14 February 2022, 07:38:56 PM.

    The Labs start in Week-1. If your lab is face-to-face , please go to the required rooms for face-to-face learning. If your lab is Online , they will be delivered on Blackboard Collaborate . You can access Blackboard Collaborate by following the instructions on this page.

    Covid related issues : In case you cannot attend your face-to-face lab due to a covid related issue, please inform your tutor. Your tutor will let you know if you can attend your lab remotely (online), only for that week. If that is not possible, you can attend one of the online labs during that week (only), for the lab times see: Timetable . Please inform both the tutors if you attend an alternative lab. Please note that you still need to get your labs marked by your original tutor.

    Course Forum : We will use the Ed forum, to join the forum, go to the ENGG1811 page on Moodle and click on the Forum link, see Course forum in the left panel for more information.

    Looking forward to the first lecture tomorrow.

  • Welcome to ENGG1811 (Computing for Engineers)!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 11 February 2022, 03:45:44 PM.

    Dear ENGG1811 Students,

    Welcome to ENGG1811 (Term 1, 2022), I’m the convenor for the course. There are a number of important points that I’d like to let you know.

    • ENGG1811 does not use Moodle. The course website is at . We recommend that you bookmark the page.
    • The course outline is available on the course website.
    • Please note that labs start in Week 01 . Week-01 introductory lab is now available, see "Labs" in the left panel on the class web page . We will use Blackboard Collaborate and Microsoft Teams for your lab work. The first lab will be on Blackboard Collaborate (follow instructions on this page: Online Lectures and Labs ), except for the f2f (face-to-face) lab classes. Students and tutors of the f2f (face-to-face) labs attend in person in the computer labs on the campus.
    • Week-01 lecture notes will be available on Monday of Week-01.
    • You will be learning to write computer programs in the Python programming language in ENGG1811. We suggest that you install the software " Anaconda for Python 3.7 (or higher) " on your laptop before the first lecture. Instructions for installing this software can be found at the "Getting Started" link on the course website or

    Looking forward to the start of Term 1, 2022!

    Dr Ashesh Mahidadia

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