
  • Change in time: Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Tuesday 23 May 2023, 09:49:12 AM.

    The supplementary exam for ENGG1811 (23T1) will be held from 12:45 to 16:00 on Thursday, May 25, 2023 , at Level-3 of Ainsworth Building (J17).

    The supplementary examination will follow the same format as the final examination. The location(s) will be posted on the class page by Thursday morning, so please visit the page for the latest information. If you have any queries, please send an email to, the class account.

    Please note that you are only permitted to take the supplementary exam if you are offered it .

    All the best

  • Supplementary exam info

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 22 May 2023, 03:55:58 PM.

    The supplementary exam for ENGG1811 (23T1) will be held from 1:30 to 4:30 on Thursday, May 25, 2023. The supplementary examination will follow the same format as the final examination. The location(s) will be posted on the class page by Thursday morning, so please visit the page for the latest information. If you have any queries, please send an email to, the class account.

    Please note that you are only permitted to take the supplementary exam if you are offered it .

    All the best

  • Update: Pre Exam Consultation is on Collaborate (like lectures)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 28 April 2023, 09:40:13 AM.

    Update : Pre Exam Consultation is on Collaborate (like lectures), and not on Teams as announced earlier.

  • Reminder: Pre Exam Consultation at 10 am today

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Friday 28 April 2023, 08:06:27 AM, last modified Friday 28 April 2023, 09:40:58 AM.

    Pre Exam consultation (on Collaborate - like lectures) will be at 10 am to 11 am today (Friday, 28 April 2023). We will review the Sample exam and anwer any queries you may have.

  • Pre Exam Consultation at 10 am Friday 28 April

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 26 April 2023, 11:11:06 AM, last modified Friday 28 April 2023, 09:41:46 AM.

    Pre Exam consultation (on Collaborate - like lectures) will be at 10 am to 11 am on Friday, 28 April 2023. We will review the Sample exam and anwer any queries you may have.

  • ENGG1811 Final Exam Time and Date

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 19 April 2023, 09:51:10 AM.

    The ENGG1811 examination will be held on Monday, May 08, 2023, from 13:15 to 16:30 . All students should aim to arrive by no later than 13:10 . Next week, you will receive an email specifying your exam seating arrangement (lab name and seat number).

    We discussed exam-related information during Week-10 Monday lecture (starting at 12 to 53 mins) and briefly in the last lecture on Week-10 Tuesday. Please view them if you have not already.

    We'll have a sample final exam revision lecture during Week 11; the date and time are to be confirmed.

  • Assignment 1 Marks Released

    Posted by George Muscat šŸŒ± Monday 17 April 2023, 03:40:08 PM.

    Hi Everyone!

    You assignment 1 marks have been released!

    They can be viewed by accessing the "Collect Submission" tab on this page.

    Please contact your tutors if you have any questions.

  • Welcome to the last week!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 17 April 2023, 10:42:38 AM.

    Welcome to the last week! In today's lecture, we will discuss the Sample Exam , the Exam environment , and Lab10 , which will help you familiarise yourself with the exam environment and offer practice questions. Later we will discuss the critical topic of Machine Learning and AI , which will continue tomorrow. At the conclusion of tomorrow's lecture, we will review the course and answer any queries you may have regarding the final exam.

    A reminder : Self-directed lab 2 is due at 5 pm Friday Week-10, along with the Assignment-2 .

  • Public Holiday Lab Rescheduling

    Posted by George Muscat šŸŒ± Monday 10 April 2023, 12:04:08 PM.

    Hey everyone!

    Hope you've had a good long weekend.

    For classes that are scheduled for today, your tutors have informed you of your rescheduled lab times. These will be held online and can be access via BBCollaborate .

    If you cannot attend your rescheduled time, you can get your lab marked and attempt your Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) during another lab slot or at a help session. If you are attending a different lab, please inform the tutor of the lab, via email prior to attending, so they can change your time slot for the MCQ.

  • Self-Directed Lab 2

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Sunday 09 April 2023, 10:11:35 AM.

    Online module on Matlab with Link to Self-Directed Lab 2 is now available. Please read the instructions, you need to watch the required videos before you attempt the following exercises.

    You should have received an email from "Matlab Grader" to complete Self-Directed Lab 2 exercises. Please check your mail box(s) and look for an email like the following (or something similar), follow the link and complete the exercises before the deadline.

  • Welcome to Week 08

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 03 April 2023, 09:34:03 AM.

    This week's lectures will focus on advanced Numpy features, a few fundamental aspects of function design in Python and file handling . The second assignment is now available and will be discussed in detail during today's lecture. To be successful in your real-world endeavours, you'll need the confidence that comes from completing such an assignment successfully. Let us know if you have any queries by posting on the forum or attending a help session.

  • Assignment 2 is now available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Sunday 02 April 2023, 06:02:50 PM.

    Assignment 2 is now available. Please carefully read the specifications; we will go over the assignment's tasks and how to get started in tomorrow's lecture.

  • Help Sessions Tomorrow!

    Posted by George Muscat šŸŒ± Wednesday 29 March 2023, 04:00:36 PM.

    Tomorrow (Thursday March 30th) there will be two help sessions running, 4-6pm and 6-7pm.

    The assignment is due at 5pm tomorrow, so there may be high demand and time will have to be shared equally among students.

  • Welcome to Week 07!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 27 March 2023, 07:56:04 AM.

    Welcome back! Hopefully, you are now more energised and well-prepared for the following four weeks, during which we will cover a wide variety of fascinating topics. We'll start out today by learning how to model complex systems. Simulation is crucial in engineering fields where new systems/processes must be designed, developed, and/or optimised. This topic is important because it is related to your second assignment, so make sure you master it.

    Just a friendly reminder that Submission Instructions are available and that Assignment 1 is due at 5pm on Thursday. Please note that although you are allowed to submit more than once, only the most recent submission will be marked.

  • Flex Week + Help Sessions!

    Posted by George Muscat šŸŒ± Monday 20 March 2023, 11:03:09 PM.

    Hey Everyone!!!

    Hope you are all enjoying flex-week and/or are using it to stay on top things!

    Help Sessions are picking up frequency for the next two weeks, starting from this week. Tomorrow there is an in person session running from 12-2pm in Clavier K14 LG20. See here for more.

  • Help Sessions!

    Posted by George Muscat šŸŒ± Thursday 16 March 2023, 11:57:50 AM.

    Hey everyone!

    Just a reminder that the course is now running help sessions which you can find here or in the menu on the side of WebCMS3.

    There is one running online today from 4-6PM. There is also a session running this Friday from 12-2PM in person in Clavier K14 LG20.

    These sessions get really busy closer to assignment deadlines, so please go sooner rather than later as you will not be able to get as much help during busy sessions.

  • Welcome to Week 05

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 13 March 2023, 09:42:59 AM.

    This week is the last before the flexible week starts! So hang on; you'll be having a well-deserved break soon.

    We've covered many interesting topics so far, and this week we'll cover one of the essential topics - Numpy . NumPy is the most popular Python package for scientific and engineering computing. It's a Python library that includes a multidimensional array object, derived objects (such as masked arrays and matrices), and a variety of routines for performing fast array operations, such as mathematical, logical, sorting, selecting, essential statistical functions, and more. Tomorrow, we'll begin discussing Numpy and learning how to utilise it efficiently for engineering problem-solving through interactive exercises.

    Hopefully, you are on track to complete Assignment-1 , which is due on Thursday of Week-7. Please write a message on the Ed forum or attend one of the many available Help Sessions if you have any questions.

    Remember to attend Live Coding Sessions from 10-11 am on Fridays. They're a great way to improve your Python and computing skills! There will be an opportunity to ask questions in the chat if you attend live. You will be able to access these in the same location as the lectures (BBCollaborate via Moodle). These sessions will be recorded.

  • Help Sessions starting from Week 4

    Posted by George Muscat šŸŒ± Monday 06 March 2023, 11:03:23 PM.

    Help Sessions will start from this week. The schedule is here or under the "Help Sessions" menu item on WebCMS3.

    You can attend these sessions to get one-on-one help for this course, especially for the assignment.

  • Self-Directed Lab 1 (Spreadsheets) - now available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 06 March 2023, 05:25:51 PM.

    Tomorrow I will introduce your first self-directed lab on Spreadsheets. " ENGG1811 Self-Directed Lab 1: Spreadsheets " is now available. It is due at 5pm Wednesday of Week-08 (05 April 2023). Select Labs in the left panel and goto Week-5 .

  • Live Coding Sessions Starting This Week!

    Posted by George Muscat šŸŒ± Wednesday 01 March 2023, 01:01:14 AM, last modified Wednesday 01 March 2023, 01:01:41 AM.

    Hello everyone!

    We are going to be running a 1 hr live coding session weekly, starting from this week. The sessions will be on Fridays, from 10-11am. You will be able to access these in the same location as the lectures (BBCollaborate via Moodle). These sessions will be recorded, however you will benefit greatly from attending live, as you will have the opportunity to ask questions in the chat.

    These are a great opportunity to strengthen your understanding of computing and Python!

  • Assignment 1 is available

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 01 March 2023, 12:49:35 AM.

    As discussed in the last lecture, Assignment 1 is now available. Please see " Assignment 1 " web link in the left panel on the course webpage.

  • First lecture today at 11am Monday 13 Feb!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Monday 13 February 2023, 08:43:29 AM.

    Please follow the instructions provided on the following webpage to attend the lectures. I look forwards to seeing everyone at 11 a.m. today!

  • Welcome to ENGG1811 (Computing for Engineers)!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 08 February 2023, 09:04:34 AM.

    Dear ENGG1811 Students,

    Welcome to ENGG1811 (Term 1, 2023), Iā€™m the convenor for the course. There are a number of important points that Iā€™d like to let you know.

    Looking forward to the start of Term 1, 2023!

    Dr Ashesh Mahidadia

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